What nutrients are most needed

What nutrients are most needed during veg and during flower? Looking into making my own fertilizer teas, but I want to know what nutrients the plant mostly uses during veg and flower so I can choose ingredients accordingly


Well-Known Member
It took you longer to write that than google an answer for yourself...N-P-K during veg...P-K and light amounts of N during flower...try some bat guano...g/l
I know what the basic nutrients are, nitrogen phosphorus and potassium, but what about calcium? Or magnesium? You gave no specifics, nor does any of my searches, I want to know what the nutrients are that the plant needs beyond the simplicity of just npk, and I do have bat guano to go into my tea, it's Mexican bat guano which is good for veg, Indonesian guano for flower, you forgot that about guano, they're not all the same, and that's not the only thing you use for fertilizer, you mix with other substances to get the full nutrition for the plant, because bat guano by itself doesn't have all the nutrients the plant needs, I have done research, but haven't come up with what I want to learn, which is why I posted on a forum for learning about growing cannabis, I want to know specifics, why is it that everyone thinks that a question should more be searched online than asked, you can't always get the exact answers your looking for online, and there's an old adage, the only dumb question is the one not asked.


Active Member
I know what the basic nutrients are, nitrogen phosphorus and potassium, but what about calcium? Or magnesium? You gave no specifics, nor does any of my searches, I want to know what the nutrients are that the plant needs beyond the simplicity of just npk, and I do have bat guano to go into my tea, it's Mexican bat guano which is good for veg, Indonesian guano for flower, you forgot that about guano, they're not all the same, and that's not the only thing you use for fertilizer, you mix with other substances to get the full nutrition for the plant, because bat guano by itself doesn't have all the nutrients the plant needs, I have done research, but haven't come up with what I want to learn, which is why I posted on a forum for learning about growing cannabis, I want to know specifics, why is it that everyone thinks that a question should more be searched online than asked, you can't always get the exact answers your looking for online, and there's an old adage, the only dumb question is the one not asked.
For outdoors I use basic nutrients; fish emulsion for growing and then switch to bat guano for budding. I also add some humex during the growing season and then switch to fulvex for the latter. Sometimes I will add some additives but those aren't necessary. Your concerns about the calcium and other micro-nutrients only really come into play when you are using reverse osmosis water.

Well I'm growing indoors, and I use distille water that I leave open for 24 hours, and still yet, I want all the usable micro nutrients to be availible, because I know cannabis uses more than just nitrogen phosphorus and potassium, but I'd like to know in what quantities of each nutrient does the plant intake and use during each stage of life, and I've thought about additives, but I'm going all organic, and I don't know enough about the additives yet, I'm trying to get nutrients perfect before I decide to go adding to it, and I've seen humix and fulvix in tea recipes, but what does it do?
Sorry, I wasn't looking for exact quantities of nutrients to use, but what does the plant use more of, like, example, the plant uses more phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium in flowering, but also uses ... I want to use nutrients that cater to the plants life cycle, another example, you don't want a lot of nitrogen in flowering, but is that the only nutrient that you only want trace amounts of? Is phosphorus the only nutrient the plant uses for flower? Things like that, I want to make my own soil and nutrients, but I want a better understanding of what nutrients the plant uses in each life cycle so I can use materials to cater to that, maybe an organics forum would have been a better place to post, but can't be perfect all the time


Well-Known Member
I know what the basic nutrients are, nitrogen phosphorus and potassium, but what about calcium? Or magnesium? You gave no specifics, nor does any of my searches, I want to know what the nutrients are that the plant needs beyond the simplicity of just npk, and I do have bat guano to go into my tea, it's Mexican bat guano which is good for veg, Indonesian guano for flower, you forgot that about guano, they're not all the same, and that's not the only thing you use for fertilizer, you mix with other substances to get the full nutrition for the plant, because bat guano by itself doesn't have all the nutrients the plant needs, I have done research, but haven't come up with what I want to learn, which is why I posted on a forum for learning about growing cannabis, I want to know specifics, why is it that everyone thinks that a question should more be searched online than asked, you can't always get the exact answers your looking for online, and there's an old adage, the only dumb question is the one not asked.
You asked the question " what was needed most " ? Not all this other nonsense...it's not supposed to be difficult...don't make it that way...g/l
I want to know what the nutrients are that the plant needs beyond the simplicity of just npk,
this is what I stated, the name of the thread is only a title that I came up with, and when I do something, I want to know everything I can about it, so maybe I do want the complexity of it, is there anything wrong with wanting to know more than just the basics? Isn't that how you advance yourself? It's called learning, people become too content with things and never want more.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, boron, manganese, chlorine, molybedendum, copper, sulphur, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

These are the 16 vital elements that any plant needs.

However in what proportions is unknown to me as I react to leaf problems should any arise. Usually issues most prevelant are N def, Mg def, P def or Ca def.

I use a 6-3-8 base nute start to finish but its chem not organic.


A link to what each element does within the plant.

As for how you obtain them organically that's on you to find out.



Well-Known Member
jondamon is so spot on........reading the leaves and learning what nute or micro element is the key to good growing. If you are growing in soil outdoors learn to compost and what it takes to make a well balanced compost for plants in general. There is no magic bullet per se that it needs exactly this amount and that amount of anything, quantities will vary from strain to strain, temps will vary the uptake of certain things, just so many factors. People claiming with a couple of years growing this is the way it works are basically pulling ones chain, growing for 45 years plus farming, I still learn something new each grow, each crop, each flower and tree. Good Luck, keep researching, keep trying new things in your grows whatever it is you are growing.
Nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, boron, manganese, chlorine, molybedendum, copper, sulphur, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Thank you, at least I have a place to start,
learning what nute or micro element is the key to good growing, that's what I'm trying to learn, but knowing what elements do what in the plant is key to that, because I know that more than npk is used, just like with people, people need a fully balanced nutrition to be as healthy as possible, sure you can be healthy with only some of the nutrients, but be more healthy with a balanced diet with everything, I want to learn about temps and how that affects uptake as well if you have a link to somewhere, I don't want a magic bullet amount but more what nutrients are most important to least important so I can try different things, I don't want to just use others recipes for everything, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another, and my grow is indoors


Well-Known Member
It is going to take lots and lots of reading and studying, there really aren't lots of shortcuts. When you do your reading don't limit yourself to what is just about our plant but plants in general, just a suggestion but google, look up university studies on botany and biology, make folders for your collection of materials. I refer to mine and to the books I have collected over the years very often. You will find ways to mix your soil and how the fungi and microbes work in the soil, what you can substitute for an ingredient that isn't available in your area or is cheaper. Moving to Costa Rica where we can't get many of the things that are available in other areas it was starting from scratch again...but wow what a thrill it is when you figure it out. Growers are going to pull you or attempt to pull you in all sorts of different directions some good many bad. The best method you will find will come from different mixes and much reading until you one make a run and say this was it.
Believe me, I've already put hours upon hours into researching this that and the other thing, still doing much research! And I agree, I'm learning more and more each day, I just need a good base to start on, because there's so much out there about growing, I've been skipping around, and learning how a plant lives and uses nutrients to me is essential, like I said in a previous post, I don't want to learn just the basics, and I'm Native American, and to me everything living deserves respect, and should be treated like so, and what better way to show respect than giving it the best life possible, I treat my plants like guests, I try and provide the best for them as I can, and I agree that everything about growing is rewarding, your in a sense giving life to a living thing, you watch it grow, you take care of it when it's sick, there's a bond of sorts there, which is why I want to learn the advanced portion of growing to give them the best life possible, I'm kind of just starting out, other than a failed attempt 8 years ago because I didn't know about light during flower, but you can believe this grow is 110% light tight! And I'm very religious on not checking on them during lights off! But I have a basic knowledge and understanding of growing, so that's why I'm looking into it, and I'm not looking for exact answers of what I should use, but more links that I can read up on the different functions of a plants anatomy and uses of nutrients, things like that, I want to be able to read it and come up with my own ideas and techniques, I don't expect experience to be given to me nor all the answers, but there are questions that have to be asked to find the rest of the answers one seeks. Thank you guys for the links tho, seems like you guys get what I'm asking


Well-Known Member
Believe me, I've already put hours upon hours into researching this that and the other thing, still doing much research! And I agree, I'm learning more and more each day, I just need a good base to start on, because there's so much out there about growing, I've been skipping around, and learning how a plant lives and uses nutrients to me is essential, like I said in a previous post, I don't want to learn just the basics, and I'm Native American, and to me everything living deserves respect, and should be treated like so, and what better way to show respect than giving it the best life possible, I treat my plants like guests, I try and provide the best for them as I can, and I agree that everything about growing is rewarding, your in a sense giving life to a living thing, you watch it grow, you take care of it when it's sick, there's a bond of sorts there, which is why I want to learn the advanced portion of growing to give them the best life possible, I'm kind of just starting out, other than a failed attempt 8 years ago because I didn't know about light during flower, but you can believe this grow is 110% light tight! And I'm very religious on not checking on them during lights off! But I have a basic knowledge and understanding of growing, so that's why I'm looking into it, and I'm not looking for exact answers of what I should use, but more links that I can read up on the different functions of a plants anatomy and uses of nutrients, things like that, I want to be able to read it and come up with my own ideas and techniques, I don't expect experience to be given to me nor all the answers, but there are questions that have to be asked to find the rest of the answers one seeks. Thank you guys for the links tho, seems like you guys get what I'm asking
I get what you're asking.

You do realise that the link I provided to the essential elements I found in about 10 seconds on google.

I searched for "what are the essential plant nutrients"

I searched because I couldn't remember them all. I had 13 by name and couldn't remember the carbon hydrogen and oxygen. Duh!

My point though is that's how easy it is.

You're basically asking us to google for you, no??

I wasn't searching for plants in general, I was searching for cannabis in perticular, when I do a search about anything growing related, it's always cannabis specific, I know cannabis is a plant, but thought it would have different "needs" than a tulip for instance, I guess ill have to broaden some of my searches to plants in general, like canefan said, it's a constant learning experience, but that's why I asked is because I thought cannabis would have different nutrient needs than other plants, but I appreciate the help, I have somewhere solid to start now, have already been reading the link you posted and starting to devise a path to take.