What should i be feeding....


the babies at 2 weeks? ive got them going in miracle grow seedling soil and they ook very strong as of now. ill have to transplant in the next few days or so. So my question is... what kind of nuts should i be giving them?

any root enhancers? move to a new soil?

thanks all!!


Not sure babies are supposed to eat nuts, what if its allergic to them?

Unless you're talking about plants... in which case they don't need nutrients in soil for a couple weeks at least. What 'kind' of nutrients really depends on what kind of grow you're going for... a light organic liquid fertilizer with more N than P/K and/or fish hydrolysate/emulsion and kelp or molasses is perfect for young plants growing in soil. If you were to transplant to a rich organic potting soil/mix you could probably get away with no fertilizer for several more weeks.


Active Member
grinded up egg shells are good all the time cant go wrong with egg shells also 1/20th urine in water in veg is good if your healthly take vitamins in flower try boiling some eggs and throw a banna peell in their and mix in tablespoommollasses or honey wat ever you got then take banna pell n eggs out when ur done n use this water for your flowering plants


^^Wtf is this place coming to? Perhaps I was just previously blind to all of this kind of BS?

See, I always thought babies weren't supposed to eat nuts before a certain age because they'd be more prone to developing a serious allergic reaction to them. I suppose they could always choke *and* develop an allergy.

Green Inferno

Active Member
^^Wtf is this place coming to? Perhaps I was just previously blind to all of this kind of BS?

See, I always thought babies weren't supposed to eat nuts before a certain age because they'd be more prone to developing a serious allergic reaction to them. I suppose they could always choke *and* develop an allergy.
That's a double whammy.
I'm not usually a smartass, but he kinda walked right into that one. Same thing on another thread where
some kid was asking how to steal an HPS light... My whole day went toward that thread.... Got absolutely nothing done,
good thing I am self employed.... I'd be fired by now...


sorry i opened the flood gates for the flaming haha. yes im talking about the plants. I want to know my options from here on out. If i go new soil and add my nutes on my own, where do i start? if i go with a soil that wont need nutes till flowering, what are my options? if there is a sticky on this matter please enlighten me. sry for being such a noob.


There are too many options. Transplant is typically in order if the roots are fully occupying the current container. You have to consider how long you want to veg your plants/how big you want them to be. You could let them grow for another month or longer before you transplant again and then force flowering, or do a final transplant now and start flower in a couple weeks, everything is up in the air. Also I assume you have to sex them, and determine which ones are the females?

You could use liquid organic nutrients (Earth Juice is a fine brand), or strictly raw materials such as compost, bone meal (or various other meals), fish fertilzer, kelp, manures or guano; you could brew actively aerated compost/casting/guano teas, or just load up the soil with organic amendments plenty of people seem to have success doing just that. Super soil and tea recipes to be found in the Organics forum and sub-forum.


correct i have not sexed them. Can i throw them back into veg after i discover what sex they are? at what point can i shove them into the 12/12 lighting to discover sex?


At any point you want, then they can be allowed to vegetate for a while longer. Usually you'd want to determine sex before transplanting them into different containers at least to save on some supplies.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Shockolate, chocolate energy, it's like adding chocolate to an electrical storm. Sound the alarm, it'll be uncomfortably energetic.


What if i were to use Kellogs organic soil, and use jacks classic all purpose for veg. would that be suitable enough? i have to decided to take these as far as i can and get clones off of them. I will sex the clones.