What should the ec and ppm be? (might be an experienced question)


Well-Known Member
Hi i was wondering what ec is and means and what the ec and ppm reading should be throughout the grow.Thanks for any help


Active Member
Dirt or water.

In Hydro you can start at 200 ppm with rooted seeedlings or cuttings and work up form there. If you listen to most people you should never hit above 1600ppm. And alwasy start with a lower concentration and work up to prevent neut burn.


Well-Known Member
i got some in coco soil and some in grow wool.so start at 200ppm and work my way up to 1000ppm or so.What should it be when their in the middle of flowering?


Well-Known Member
I use Fox Farm soil. I start with 200 and work my way up to 900 for the first week of flowering then as high as 1300