What Sites Do You Go to for Music ?


Well-Known Member
Stop stealing music people!!! music's cheaper than ever before... Listen on youtube or what ever and if you like it then go buy it... These musicians spend years try to break through and make a few quid and illegal downloads make nearly impossible... Quit being cheap ass's


Well-Known Member
Stop stealing music people!!! music's cheaper than ever before... Listen on youtube or what ever and if you like it then go buy it... These musicians spend years try to break through and make a few quid and illegal downloads make nearly impossible... Quit being cheap ass's
every artist i know of is FILTHY rich, i dont see any problem with dloading music.


Well-Known Member

mostly live bootlegs, all are legal to DL as its not generally a commercially available item.

I may DL some music here or there, but believe me I wouldnt be buying it anyways. Musicians used to give there shit out at shows to get more people to come to the shows. big bands make tons of merchandising now, they understand they have to diversify their income in modern times.

Just read a great article with Duff Mckeggan ex GNR member, he went to college for a business degree, he now runs a financial advisors office for musicians.

pretty frikn kool if you ask me.