What size fan & scrubber for a 10x10 room


Active Member
Hi everyone,i got some good advice on here the other day about air exchange,for my grow room..But I wanna know what size fan do i need to bring fresh air into a 10x10 room,and what size fan & scrubber do i need to exchange the air every 5 mins,or should it be longer....Thanks in advance for all the help and advice..1luv
Well you should exchange your air in less then five min's,some fans have a C F M( cubic feet min,s)my box is 6x9 and i have a furnace1200 cmf fan going to a carbon filter 2'x2'x5' with 2 layers of filter air filter 1'' 2" of carbon then 1 foot space air filter 1" 2" carbon
2- 6" holes blow out. no smell at all works for 2 years constant buds and drying works grate you can get carbon from Cologne man balk! buy it by the cube ft50$
As for a fan big is always good you need to push lots of air threw the carbon .it takes 22 lbs to open my door ,lots of pull out of big fans .1000 +cmf