What Size Room?


Well-Known Member
Hay Guys, What size room would you recommend for 15-20 plants? and what light setup would suit this?

Thanks and be safe.


Active Member
well that depends, do you want you plants spred out or are you going with sog setup? if you have a 4x3 area you should go with 400 w. make sure you do as much research as possible before you committ to a light


Well-Known Member
I wont be doing a sog, i plan to use 5 gallon pots, would a 6x6 area size work? Or am i better off doing a sog?


Active Member
I dont think so if u have one plant per pot. You could have a good size plant (3-4 ft) in a 3 gal pot. They also make pots that are tall and skinny and take up half the surface area.