what strain is all of the mexican brick weed?


Well-Known Member
Highly random genetics(largely Indica dominant plants, I'd guess). I used to prefer it when I was younger, it'd seem to give me better highs for my cash than some 'mids' which were clearly all very similar(they were both seedy. the schwag was darker in color and much more stoney, the mids were lighter and more heady). Different strains give different highs, and tolerance to one does not mean tolerance to all. Bongs are great for cheap weed. Now I primarily use a custom-made glass pipe and rarely get out my bong. Either that or joints. I also now prefer heady to stoney weed.

Gotta love marijuana! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Most Mexican brick weed is sativa or sativa dom. I got a nice chuckle reading this thread and some of the answers. Yes you may get some shitty mexican and you might get some surprisingly good brick (not as often as in years past). If you were to take the time to investigate this subject through a seed search engine, I will enclose a link for you, you will find that most of today's strains which have any sativa in it has its roots in mexico, columbia or other central american countries, last but certainly not least is Thai.
Most of the brick weed was ruined in the 80's with the introduction of indica to the native lines in order to obtain more weight and shorter flowering times. Some of the old landrace variety sativas can flower up to 26 weeks and are harvested in Jan and Feb. these long flowering types most of which still flower 12 to 18 weeks outside are very potent but also very hard to find. Living in Central America and traveling around, been living here for almost 5 years now, I still find excellent brick weed coming from Panama and Columbia.
In parting I will say I don't look for brickweed, but at least down here I always try it when I run across, and when its good I am first in line asking my host or amigo "tienes semillas?", translation Have any seeds?


Well-Known Member
brick weed is ass.
that said. mexican landrace is some of the best weed in the world.
you like trainwreck? mexican and afghani.
some of the best weed i've EVER smoked was purched in puerta vallarta.
it was not bricked, it was as well taken care of as anything i've seen.
being from cali and knowing several growers as well as being an occasional grower myself,
i was amazed. i was joking that i should bring some good seeds to mexico... two days later i was smoking those words.


Well-Known Member
The healthyist plants i have every seen came form mexico and most flower a wee bit longer. also mexican plants get as big or as small as you want.
I'd say its for beginners and for connoisseur growers.
Most Mexican brick weed is sativa or sativa dom. I got a nice chuckle reading this thread and some of the answers. Yes you may get some shitty mexican and you might get some surprisingly good brick (not as often as in years past). If you were to take the time to investigate this subject through a seed search engine, I will enclose a link for you, you will find that most of today's strains which have any sativa in it has its roots in mexico, columbia or other central american countries, last but certainly not least is Thai.
Most of the brick weed was ruined in the 80's with the introduction of indica to the native lines in order to obtain more weight and shorter flowering times. Some of the old landrace variety sativas can flower up to 26 weeks and are harvested in Jan and Feb. these long flowering types most of which still flower 12 to 18 weeks outside are very potent but also very hard to find. Living in Central America and traveling around, been living here for almost 5 years now, I still find excellent brick weed coming from Panama and Columbia.
In parting I will say I don't look for brickweed, but at least down here I always try it when I run across, and when its good I am first in line asking my host or amigo "tienes semillas?", translation Have any seeds?
second that this dude knows what hes talking about + rep to you for knowing your shit!!

moslty SATIVA dominant meaning they flower long, very tall and lanky a lot of brick weed would be good if it was seedless. You can grow brick seed I have done it! my avatar pic was (bagseed). most herms come from good as shit that you only find a couple seeds in most mexican shit in pollinated by males not herms their fields are to big to go threw and pick out the males.

The stuff is usually brown because they let it go so long before they pick it...notice all amber trichs in the bottom of the grinder after smoking a lot of middies? yea thats a late harvest to try to pack on a small amount of more weight... but one thing I dunno about bricK,mids,n schwag is they all have that same dirty smell no matter where it comes from I got no explanation for that what bout u canefan..?