what the f*** is happening, help!!!


Well-Known Member
i started these seeds is mg pottin mix and ive now put them in half perlite half peat moss. there two weeks old and there are almost no roots and there barely growing. idk wuts going on i was using a water fertalizer at 15-30-15- and that didnt help so now im just using clean water. and there so droopy


Active Member
i started these seeds is mg pottin mix and ive now put them in half perlite half peat moss. there two weeks old and there are almost no roots and there barely growing. idk wuts going on i was using a water fertalizer at 15-30-15- and that didnt help so now im just using clean water. and there so droopy
to young to ferilize but you said you stopped ... so just make sure they get choke light use water till probably you get the 3 set of true leaves and last but not least no worries brah they are still alive you can fixe them ... also you might wanna try giving them some superthrive read directions before using ... :weed:


Well-Known Member
for some reason my pictures wont attach butt some of the leaves are brown in spots and at the tops still cool. and how much is this superthrive


Active Member
Had the same issues my first or second grow, they dont need fertilizer or food for at least 4 weeks, especially with MG, if you're going to use MG, which was my choice too the first couple times trhough, I wouldnt feed or fertilize for at least 6 weeks, my issue was i felt like i had to always be doing something, the plant is a weed, and grows out in death valley and mexico, in the shitties of conditions let them go, water once a week if that, and enjoy, youll find the least you do the better youll be. hope i helped.


Active Member
dax is right ... my first grow i was always messing with the plants and i did more harm than good ... i got superthrive 4oz which will last like 300 gallons at wal-mart for 7 bucks ... note i dunno if it'll last 300 but it'll last a while