What The Hell Did I Smoke With My THC? [PICS]


Active Member
I bought bud from my normal seller;

smoked it lightly without concerns, my buddy came over and we were going hardcore; very nasty smoke for big hits, one of the worst smokes ive had in taste.
But it was the highest high i've ever had.

The problem?
I thought I was poisoned in the sense of how wasted I was; after mouthwash..gum, two bongs, buckets, cleaned peices I knew it was for sure the stuff I smoked and not what I smoked out of (or the stuff my friend brought over).

I was grossed out on this smoke, me and my buddy thought it was ferterlizer.
Smelling it now, it has a THC sent,but a more overpowering, sharp, penetrating smell that I think might be fertilizer; it has an out of place smell ontop of the weed itself (Chemical/artificial smell).

Heres pictures of a nug i broke up.

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What did I smoke with my bud?
You need to get some macro pics of your bud. You might of been smoking mold. If it tasted like chemicals, the bud was probably not "flushed" before it was harvested and you could be smoking nutrients. Of course it may of been raelly good bud. You will never know unless you grew it.


Active Member
Shit, ok, took some high res pictures on this POS Olympus Camera; fucking thing will burn two AA's after three flashes.

I thought it was shitty harvesting/growing or bug spraying.
Rather get a good idea of what that smell is / if it'll fuck me up (MOLD) before tossing 220 worth away.

Never ran into this issue in 6+ years of smoking.


Well-Known Member
smoking bug spray? Yeah, it'll taste bad for sure...it's poison

it could be a simple as it was quick cured for fast sale....i'd bottle that stuff up and burp it for a bit before jumping to any conclusions personally
i'd go to water curing if the burping didn't pan out in a month or two though, i must admit.

mold is always of concern of course....i don't believe in the oogy boogy myth of flushing plants before harvest...they usually end up being cured 'wrong'


Well-Known Member
i would say...and this is just a guess....since you said you knew it had the "scent" of "thc"...sounds like you got your hands on some dank and ya cant handle it.i say that because it looks like nugs in the pic..not some brick weed.and if it was spayed with something it would be wet...probably too wet to burn to smoke and pop a lot when its being smoked.and if its dry then whatever was sprayed on it would have evaporated by now and wouldn't effect a thing


Active Member
When me and friend are getting messed up off the smoke, and it tastes like poison not weed.
Being able to handle it has nothing to do it when you get a chemical high/taste with the weed.
If it was sprayed to keep off mites with non-vegetable spray, i'd taste it if it wasn't cleaned off.

I mean sprayed when it was growing/cut/drying.

Thanks for that advice
I'm going to try that, the water curing method for the next week.


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
that weed looks good enough to be sold without being laced lol

the dealer would be loosing money, lacing hi grade with some bullshit...

probably has to do with how the plant matter was treated... maybe it was boxed up with some chemicals being driven to your state from a medical state who knows people do dumb shit to fuck their weed up.. like trying to mask their weed smell with dryer sheets... like dude get a fucking jar :wall:

i'd ask your dude about it??