What Things Should I Look Out For When Growing Hydroponically?


Well-Known Member
That was a long rant, with some good information, but I was only referring to this statement:

Roseman he asked about hydroponics not bubbleponics. Bubbleponics is not hydroponics and the two are vastly different in their needs. Bubbleponics is in its own subforum for a reason, because it is not aeroponic or hydroponics, it more closely parallels aerogardens and DWC systems.

Somehow here you tried to claim DWC isn't hydroponics, remember? WAY off base. And then you went off half-cocked about it on Roseman. While I've had disagreements with Roseman in the past, and I've been dissapointed with his ability to give credit where it's due, this statement doesn't make any sense. It's just a personal attack without cause or reason (related to THIS thread) so yeah, you were way off base.


New Member
That was a long rant, with some good information, but I was only referring to this statement:

Roseman he asked about hydroponics not bubbleponics. Bubbleponics is not hydroponics and the two are vastly different in their needs. Bubbleponics is in its own subforum for a reason, because it is not aeroponic or hydroponics, it more closely parallels aerogardens and DWC systems.

Somehow here you tried to claim DWC isn't hydroponics, remember? WAY off base. And then you went off half-cocked about it on Roseman. While I've had disagreements with Roseman in the past, and I've been dissapointed with his ability to give credit where it's due, this statement doesn't make any sense. It's just a personal attack without cause or reason (related to THIS thread) so yeah, you were way off base.
You do not want me to write in an open forum my opinion of Roseman and most of waht g he writes.

Bubbleponics to DWC OK.

I guess it all depends on your definition of hydroponics.

IMHO opinion DWC is not hydroponics it is aquaculture. Bubblephonics is not either but a half aeroponics and half aqua culture system. So neither really. It is writefully like DWC in its own category. Aquaculture is the growing of a plant where the growing media is water.

Give it another year and we will have even more things wrongly consider as hyrodroponics. If you look at many of the ludicrous defintions (some rightly under slang definitions) now in dictionaries the traditional hydroponics such as growing in inert media such as gravel, perlite, or even hydroton is not hydroponic. They are grow in an inert media and the new definitions use defintion satements like "Cultivation of plants in nutrient solution rather than in soil." By these new definitions only DWC is hydroponics. NOT. Pretty ludicrous .

The traditional definition of hydroponics is growing in inert media using water carried nutrients that are periodically applied to the inert media and feelyr drained from the media. This means things like, gravel perlite, platic beads. plasy tic films, coarse sand, hydroton, rockmwool. The new definitions exclude these from being defines as hydroponic.

As manfacturers started selling half abked systems where pot plants are grown in a water medium those growing methods have for some reason been used to change some peoples definition of hydroponics to include them. These systems, hust as bubbleponics are not widely accepted systems in the agriculture community.

Growing in a water medium use to just be referred to as aquaculture. Aqua culture included all plants that grow fully submerged in water or with its roots submerged in water.

Many horticulturalists and aquaculturalists still use that term and would consider DWC grown pot as a non water plant growing in an aquaculture system. However it was argued by some (pot growers) that aquaculture should only be ued to describe the purposeful production growth of plants that grow fully submered in water or that naturally grow with their roots in water (ie reeds etc.).

This meant plants that normally grow in a physical media that would also grow in water had no category of their own so pot growers decided to lump those plants growth in water medium as being grown hydroponically. Sad choice. It still is not a widely accepted calssification in academia or the commercial sector of agriculture. It is simply classified by itself as deep water culture, and not as hydroponic. But like slang and such, if excepted even wrongly or follishly by a large number of people it makes it to a dictionary. Once it makes it to a dictionary people run with it no matter how foolish it is.

The traditional definition of hydroponics also does not discern the difference between chemical or organic nutrients, but it excludes those growing system where the roots are submerged in water or suspended in air.

Supension in air is aeroponics. IMHO and in genearl in the agricultural community and acam demia if roots are grown in water they are not in an inert media and therefore not aeroponics or hyroponics. If half in water and half out of water it is not aeroponics or hydroponics it is in its own category as is DWC. DWC is deep water culture. In a true sence it is not hydroponics as it is growing in water. It is not growing in an inert media which has water nutrients applied, it is growing in the nutrients solution. DWC is either just DWC or it is aquaculture.

Either that or all the traditionlal hydroponic methods fully acceoptedd by hobbyists, the agriculture industry and academia are no longer hydroponics but are now undefined as they do not grow in a nutrient solution but in a inert media occasionally wetted by a nutrient solution. I consider that much more absurd than saying a DWC aquaculture system is not hydroponic or aeroponic.

Slang Dictionary

and hydro

  1. n.
    hydroponically grown marijuana. : He raises hydro in his basement. , He's got some kickin' dro. Want a piece?
Hard to believe a bunch of pot smokers and pot growers can have enough impact to screw up defintions in dictionaries. If you punch DWC into a internet serach engine you will find all that comes up is DWC pot units and info. It is just not used elsewher and is not com nsidered hydroponic elsewher e to any large extent. It is just another pot culture thing.

I think I will stick to the traditional definition of hydroponics used by the agricultural ins dustry and academia rather than slang definitions and such.


Elite Rolling Society
He says:
Saying u you have a high pm ( he meant pH) in and of it self does not mean you need RO water. Like I have pointed out many times already soluble calcium can be easily removed without using an RO filter.
then he says:
Myself, I always use RODI water, but I have water that has a great amount of calcium , permante hardness carbonates, asenic, copper with a ph of 8.2.

to paraphrase that,
you don't need RO water just because you have a high pH and calcium in the water, but I use RO water because I have a high pH and calcium in my water.

Again, this is the professor that thinks the reservoir water temp is relative to a soil grow.


New Member
He says:
Saying u you have a high pm ( he meant pH) in and of it self does not mean you need RO water. Like I have pointed out many times already soluble calcium can be easily removed without using an RO filter.
then he says:
Myself, I always use RODI water, but I have water that has a great amount of calcium , permante hardness carbonates, asenic, copper with a ph of 8.2.

to paraphrase that,
you don't need RO water just because you have a high pH and calcium in the water, but I use RO water because I have a high pH and calcium in my water.

Again, this is the professor that thinks the reservoir water temp is relative to a soil grow.
Your obviously not smart enough to paraphrase anyone you dip waddded hypocrit. Don't tell anyone what I meant. What I mweant was quite clear taken in context. We were taling ppm, not pH. *ss wipe.

Your just a stoned out sunday school hypocrit praying to the pot gods and pretending to be someone of some worth. NOT. I did not mean pH I meant ppm. He stated he had a high ppm and I said saying you have a high ppm is not reason enough for anyone to determine if he needed a RO filter based upon the ppm reading alone. It depem nds on waht is causing the high ppm. Dim wit. You obviously have liitle enough intelligence to deal with anyone but children, so hy don't you go chase some altar boys or sunday school children you hypocrit. You definitely can not read my mind so you obviously should not be sat ying that I meant this or that. You just insist on trying to latch on to anything you can and say it is wrong or contradictorary even when you have to take it entirely out of contect to do it. Obviously either your reading comprehension is either very poor or you just read what you want to read regardless of want is actually written. I se RO not just because of my high calcium or just beacuse of my my waters high carbonate content or just beacuse of a high pH or just beacsue of the arsenic. I use it beacuse I have a lot of water issues not just one that needs to be dealt with. If you were capable of reading and had good red ading comprehesion skill you would quite obviously see that is what I wrote.

If I only had to worry about a high soluble calcium concentration I would nou use an RO filter. If I only had a high soluble calcium concentration and a mild or average acrbonay te level or even a medium level of hradners carbonates I would not necessarily use an RO filter, but would do as I wrote Draw hot water through a particulate filter to remove the soluble calcium that precipitated due to being heated. You are an *ss Roseman. And a dumb one at that.

As for the soil matter, do you want to j know how amny times you have drug soil grow crap into the hydro/aero section to cover your butt when you have been caught talking out of it. An as far as reservoir temp in a soil grow having relevance, it matters as much in a soil grow as in a DWC or Bubble ponics grow. As for your next saying reservoirs are not used in soil grows that is also false as many people use resrvoirs timers and drip emitters ansd such or auto watering ssyten ms fed from reservoirs. Obviously girlie boy you spend to much time thinking with that head stuck between you r cheeks not the one on top of your shoulders. So go awu y and quit bothering me with your sti upidity.

You need to go just back to playing with the childrens and reading your comic books. Or get stoned and talk to your higher power. Oh yeah pot is your higher power, that's why your such a hypocrit. Get stoned and teach other peoples children about god. Wow aren't you just so special.


New Member
And the man that thinks high water temps and low dissolved oxygen ratios can be substiuted with H2O2 and Chlorine :shock:
Yep that's me. If I have a choice having between root rot and a stinkly cloudy reservoir with a traditional hydro or aero sytem or instead using a little chlorine or H2O2 I choose the chemicals any day. I am not about to create a problem with high DO just so I can avoid a small amount of chlorine and H2O2. As for temperature, With a good hydro system or aero system the temperature issue is just not that big a thing with low DO reservoir water even if it is a bit warm. If it becomes warmer chlorine and H2O2 is a good tool. It is used by many, many thousands of hobby and retail growers.

If it is not to your liking that is your hang up, not mine or many others who don't mind a little chlorine or H2O2. After all chlorine is comsumed by probably 95 percent of americans every day. H2O2 is just an oxidize, it is used on people wsounds every day and even in many mouth washes. It is used my many, many thousands of hydroponic growers. It has even been given its own name "Spanish Water." Our vegetables are cleaned and rinsed with chlorine water. Just about every restaurant in the country use it to calen all their food conatcat surfaces. It is in the rinse agent in the dishwasher used in all reasturany ts that wash the dishes and silver used. If you have a problem with chlorine or H2O2 maybe you should move to a third world country where people die everday due to illnesses that chlorine prevents.


Well-Known Member
root rot and a stinkly cloudy reservoir with a traditional hydro or aero sytem or instead using a little chlorine or H2O2 I choose the chemicals any day. I am not about to create a problem with high DO just so I can avoid a small amount of chlorine and H2O2.
This is very true, if you have a PROBELM with pathogens. Thing is fatman, not one single pathogen, pythium, brown alga, root rot or any other funk will EVER grow in resivoir that is 65F. Those things need heat first, then oxygen second.

So by adding H2O2 to "oxiginate" your resivoir, your really just adding chemical to MASK the real problem, low DO levels

You see, a cool resivoir at 70 or below FIXES these problems, not just MASK them with chemicals

As for temperature, With a good hydro system or aero system the temperature issue is just not that big a thing with low DO reservoir water even if it is a bit warm. If it becomes warmer chlorine and H2O2 is a good tool. It is used by many, many thousands of hobby and retail growers.
thats really weird considering the fact that every single peice of literature i have read considering hydroponics has says much different.

Do you have any links to these "comericial" growers litterature? Any evidence? Proof? Links? ANYTHING BUT YOUR "WORD"

After all chlorine is comsumed by probably 95 percent of americans every day.
By consumed i assume you mean ingested??

How many americans do you think smoke chlorine every day??

I dunno bout you, but i smoke my weed, and the thought of smoking chlorine bugs me

H2O2 is just an oxidize
Again you are mearly MASKING your real problem, which is low DO

H2O2 dissolves within hours of adding it to the res. And after continous use, it will lock out your nutes because the extra oxygen atom is very reactive and begins to bond with your nutes

If you have a problem with chlorine or H2O2 maybe you should move to a third world country where people die everday due to illnesses that chlorine prevents.
So how exactly is third world contries and chlorine curing illnesses have ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to do with growing marujuana?


New Member
I have no low DO problem. Period. Good thing your into sex with dogs as you haven't enough brains for much else.