What time should I foliar feed?


Well-Known Member
My plants are on a 12/12 flowering cycle. I need to foliar feed them, but I don't know if it's better to do it during lights on or lights off. Right now they're set to "go to sleep" in an hour. So should I do it now or wait until morning?


Well-Known Member
in the morning or evening is good you shouldnt spray when the lights r on unless you r usin somethin like dutchmaster liquid light which is designed to be sprayed with the lights on.


Well-Known Member
Morning is best.

yes i like the mornings i think it sort of replicates a light dew, dont fall into the trap and think that this is an important part of growin in actual fact it makes little difference u want to do it about once per week just to give the plants a wash to keep all its pores open if you spray with just normal water everyday you r actualy flushing the nitrogen out of the growing tips where it is needed and the plant will have to work to restore it this is actually prohibiting growth to a certain extent, when it comes to late stages of flowering dont spray at all is my opinion you greatly increase the risk of budmold if you do.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I've had some severe problems in the last three days and I'm worried that I stressed my flowering plants to the point where they might turn hermaphroditic. I decided to buy Dutch Master Penetrator and Reverse to make sure my female plants stay female, and I'll spray them tomorrow morning.