What to do when i have a power cut?


Well-Known Member
I had a power cut today from 5 oclock to 7... Luckily the power come back on at 7.
But i panic'd during the power cut so i took the plugs from the lights out of the sockets so that the power wuldnt turn on late and F up my light schedule since i am in flowering.
but i ran back up to the setup when the power came on to plug it in since it was just in time.
Just so i kno what to do next time, how should i react and what should i do if i have a power cut in the future and the lights stay off longer than supposed to? i heard something about a 24hr reset? can this be done during flowering?
thanks, bunstinky


Well-Known Member
I dunno either bro, I live in an apartment so I cant have a generator and have no backyard with sun so a good answer would be nice. If it was a short outage I think of it as clouds and smoke a bowl, if it was a long time I try and schedule it evenly somehow, like keep it off through the rest of the day and the night, maybe they think it was cloudy all afternoon into the night?? I dunno


Active Member
I'm interested in hearing a solution to this also, as I grow in an apartment and it would totally screw up my flowering schedule


Well-Known Member
2 hours will do nothing to your grow, so when the light comes back on just adjust the timer to reflect the current time.


Well-Known Member
There is no concern from a short power loss when you are in flowering. The important thing is to have a minimum 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness for each light cycle. It is more of a concern in veg, if the outage will mean the plant will receive 12 hours of darkness, which may trigger flowering and stunt vegetative growth.


Well-Known Member
but if the lights were to be off for 24 hours or longer then the lights come on fo 12 hours how would the plants react? is it that longer night periods wont really matter its ust the light periods u want to keep careful.


Well-Known Member
I dunno either bro, I live in an apartment so I cant have a generator and have no backyard with sun so a good answer would be nice. If it was a short outage I think of it as clouds and smoke a bowl, if it was a long time I try and schedule it evenly somehow, like keep it off through the rest of the day and the night, maybe they think it was cloudy all afternoon into the night?? I dunno
Take a look at UPS (Un-interruptable Power Supply) battery backups. They make them for computer servers and you can get them pretty cheap. I have several 70 minute units and they are a life saver.


Obviously if you loose power longer than an hour than your ass out but at least you'll have some time to figure out what to do.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for all of your views, u may carry on posting more tips but i think ill be ok in the future!