what to do with clippings and maintainance waste?


Active Member
i just trimmed my plant to better fit its grow space before i put it into flower. i have a bunch of trimmings and clippings with stems and obvious cannabis leaves. how should i dispose of this??


Active Member
if you're paranoid just wad them up until you're sure they're dead and flush them or toss them in the yard.
every now and then I pull a leaf and press it in a book just as a novelty.
...I'm not really sure I understand the nature of your question though. They're basically useless for anything practical unless you're pulling them off way into flower.


Active Member
save and use for hash making or tie them up real good in a couple trash bags and throw them in a dumpster behind a grocery store somewhere.


Active Member
you had it in the beginning of your response. i want to get rid of it, but i live in NYC, and sometimes people will go through your trash when its out on the street on trash day. i guess im paranoid that someone will find a wad of pot leaves in the trash.


Well-Known Member
well double bag it in black trash go to some local dumpster like in an apartment or back of a store or resturant not to close to ur house but doesnt have to be to far either thats what i do if any one finds out there trim in there ur long gone


Well-Known Member
For shits and giggles, throw it in your neighbors garbage can. Whats funnier than watching your 70 year old grandma neighbor get harrassed by the cops for cultivating marijuana!


Active Member
get some iscopropal alcohol soak all your cuttings in it for about 2 - 5 mins then strain it thru a coffee filter (toilet paper in a funnel works) then pour into a sauce pan or pyrex dish and cook over element on low heat keeping a good eye on it cook untill it is got no isco left in it then get a razorblade and scrape it up and thats how to make cannabis oil it is normally really strong shit will be a nice gold colour trust me you'll never throw it away again! hope this helps bro if u want any more details about this process!!


Well-Known Member
Unless your under surveillance no one is going to go through your trash. Now if its just 1 or 2 plants worth of material there should be no worries. Not like they can trace it back to you. Just throw in garbage. If you got 100 pounds of trimmings then it might be more complicated. Personally I bury my waste in the compost heap and use it on my garden.


Well-Known Member
my dog likes the stems and my cat eats the leafs. if u have any nabors with cats u can see if thay like it.indoor cats like it because its like eating grass, helps the digestive system. or go buy a hamburger and drop ur trash bag into there trash can.


Active Member
these are all awesome responses! thanks guys! as for your reply Northside, is your solution still relevent even though the plant is still in veggie state?