What to do with my males !?


Active Member
Hey, so i have 3 males from what i think i see, they have ball like sacs and no white hair. But the rest that i have all have white hairs comnig from them at the top of the plants. So what should i do with the 3 males? like i kinda wanted to leave them in to see if they turn hermies but doesnt hermies go female first then u see signs of male after? Well so fair i have already took the males out and left them under crappy floro lights and giving them little water with no nutes. should i just cut them in pieces asap and clean the buckets up ?


Well-Known Member
Why not try to collect some pollen and pollinate one of the females for future seeds?

If you have expensive Seed Bank stock then it is worth it. If you are careful enough you can pollinate only 1 bud which could bring in close to 100 new seeds depending on size.

Would be well worth it!


Active Member
yea that was what i was thinknig ... prolly might just cut them up later , and practice on how to dry lol so i do it right with the females


Active Member
yea but i've only got 1 room for the ladies, and they're all going towards buds n wouldnt it be too late to pollinate a female by the time i harvest the others even if i wanted to make seeds ?


Well-Known Member
are you planning on pollinating the females? If not just cut the male plants down, dry em out and smoke em while ur waiting for the females to finish. hope that helps :blsmoke: