What to do with Oxycodone and t3?


Well-Known Member
I got some Oxycontin and t3,and wondering what to do with them.
Should smoke,snort them,pop them ,drink with them etc..


Active Member
i aways just chew one of them up real good and swallow 1-2 more that i break in half
Eww! How can you stand the taste of broken up pills? But I would throw them away if they were mine. I'm only into hallucinogens, and occasionally alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Whatever happened to purdue remanufacturing oxy's so they couldn't be crushed? Hell that was almost ten years ago.... and I've not heard a word about it since they first became a problem.


Well-Known Member
what about smoking the oxcys,how many could i take with out getting fucked up.What should i do with the t3s',how could i drink with the t3s' and/or oxcys ?


Well-Known Member
slamming it requires gear and way to lazy to go get gear even if i can buy at the pharmacy no problem
now snorting or smoking it that has possibilities


Well-Known Member
who going to buy t3s' when you can just buy t1s' over the counter.if anything i could get more for the oxy


who going to buy t3s' when you can just buy t1s' over the counter.if anything i could get more for the oxy
because "t3's" are acetometaphin/codeine, so they are opiates, albeit rather light.... you cant buy them otc... you really have no clue what you're taking do you?


Well-Known Member
yes you can buy t1 maybe not in the states but in Canada you can buy t1s' otc ,i know t1s' are lighter but anyone who really trys to get codeine will just buy a bunch of t1s'.it really is hassle free compared to getting t3s.Next thing your going to do,is tell me i can't buy gear at my local pharmacy.

here a wiki page for you to read up on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tylenol#Tylenol_products


yes you can buy t1 maybe not in the states but in Canada you can buy t1s' otc ,i know t1s' are lighter but anyone who really trys to get codeine will just buy a bunch of t1s'.it really is hassle free compared to getting t3s.Next thing your going to do,is tell me i can't buy gear at my local pharmacy.

here a wiki page for you to read up on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tylenol#Tylenol_products
well.... I suppose you could just stick the 't3's up your ass, since you dont know what to do with them, but know all about them ;)