what to do with plants after harvest


Active Member
just had my first indoor harvest. very successful. got roughly a kilo of we stuff, my guess is it will dry to about a pound. when i grew outdoors before, i would always just throw the plant away. i left about a foot of the plant, any fan leaves i could and some small buds. i just left them how they were before under the 400w hps 12/12 cycle.

my question is will these plants continue to flower? would it be better to just put them back in veg under my 400w mh 24/0 for a couple weeks then go back to flower? i've actually never done rejuvs before. thanks in advance! +rep of coarse for anyone who has info
I haven't done a regeneration yet, but I'm planning to do one with the plants from my grow right now. What I've read is that you want to put them back into veg when you do your harvest, you did the right thing leaving some fan leaves and few buds. The buds will turn back into leaves after a few weeks of veg. Unless you have very large pots you should trim the roots down so that the plants don't get rootbound. I've heard anywhere from leaving 1/3 of the roots to leaving 2/3 of the roots so leaving 1/2 is probably a good amount. After like two weeks of 24/0 light they'll start to grow again and they'll grow deformed leaves (ie. crooked, bent up leaves, probably not 3, 5, or 7 leaf fan leaves) and after another two weeks or so they'll start growing normal healthy looking leaves. The benefits though are that you now have a plant with a fully developed root system and a very strong staulk in only about 4 weeks. I've heard of people doing regeneration's multipe times for up to like 3 or 4 years with a single plant and the only problem they run into is that the staulk get's so big (like 3 or 4 inches in diameter) that it is too big for their pot. Good luck with the regen.


Well-Known Member
yep you got it :) put them back under 24/7 lighting for a couple weeks ( a few cfl's will do ) and then 18/6 under the MH for another 3 weeks and watch them go, wait until you get aload of new growth and normal 5 bladers and them wack them back in to flower! one of my re-vegs is going in for a 2ndre-veg/3rdharvest :)

i normally repot into a larger pot but if not you will want to trim back some of the old roots and use a bit of new soil

Re-vegging is great and i plan on getting 5 decsent plants that will get re-vegd over and over year after year


Active Member
The buds will stay buds, they can't "turn into" leaves.
The existing flowers will fall off and be replaced by new leaves in the nodes when the plant reverts to pre-flowering. This process may take 4-5 weeks. When the new growth appears then grow on as you would normally do.