what to do with stems and leaves after harvets


Active Member
if you don't want to make hash or butter.. Cut up your remains and put it in a double bagged trash bag and throw it away somewhere off your property :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i flush my fan leaves and cut up my stems and flush them too (if i am not making tincture, butter or hash oil...garbage disposal works as well, just not for the stems.


Active Member
i flush my fan leaves and cut up my stems and flush them too (if i am not making tincture, butter or hash oil...garbage disposal works as well, just not for the stems.
If you flush them make sure you cut your shit up good, have seen multiple posts on RIU of people clogging their toilets and having to completely remove their toilet to clear the pipes.. :leaf:


New Member
dont flush it youll be paying someone to snake that shit after time... make hash! make hash! make hash! or i throw it in my fireplace during ragging fires :) cedar masks the smell pretty good

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i think he's just asking about how to get ridof the left overs?

i just bunged all 30L of soil, roots, stems, stalks, leaves, all in a bunch of thick black bin bags and left em outside my front door for the binmen :D


Well-Known Member
how can you make hash and butter out of fan leaves and stems? it doesn't sound reasonable to me.

Reasonable doesn't have anything to do withit.

Leaves still have essential oils (aka the shiot that fucks you up) Just not in quantity

If they arn't frosty get some iso alcohol (highest % possible) to make some cheap cooking hash (earwax is made this way generally for all you club goers)

I would recommend making hash before you make any edibles because with low potency leaf you never really know how strong the end product will be.

If you use hash oil atleast you can semi approximate without a test run.

Edit- after thc extraction I think you should try to compost that shit.


Active Member
Can someone link me up on how to use leaves/stems to make hash with and what tools or products I'll need as well :) thanks!