what to do....?


Active Member
My buds have been hang drying for 3 days now but i have to go away from home in two days and won't have anyone to care for my friends (buds) while i'm gone (for 3 days).

I fear putting them in sealed jars and not opening them daily might cause mold.

What should I do :?:

Marie Jain

Active Member
Manicure them and either hang them or put them in a tray while you are gone. When you get home start the cure. You'd hang them to dry after they are trimmed anyways, when you get back you can put them in jars, the moisture in the center of the bud and the stems should come back out and rehydrate your plant and start the cure.


Active Member
i jarred up a few small tops and did a short/few day cure test. What i thought was getting too dry and crispy actually re-hydrated themselves to a point where i think they were too moist, so i hung 'em back up.

the larger buds should be fine hanging til i get back home.

i'd hate to waste my first worthwhile crop :eyesmoke: to mold rot .