What to do????


Well-Known Member
So i have my tent setup in my spare bedroom, tommorow afternoon i have a pest control company coming. My landlord called me and insisted, apparantly my neighbors had bed bugs and they are just going to do an inspection. Is this something that i should worry about? Should I just lock the door on the other bedroom and say someone is sleeping in there? I really dont want to tear everything down tonight, not to mention I have a couple plants that are way to big to move and at this point I would just have to cut them. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
lock it and tell them the whole room is full of junk and a mess and they wont see anything let alone be able to walk in there.


Well-Known Member
Yea it is your home. They have to have a warrant to go anywhere you don't want them. You don't have to let them inspect anything. Just hope they don't get pushy. This is all from my understanding and I wouldn't take this to the bank but I can see the inspection guys not giving a fuck.


Well-Known Member
fucking annoying, my landlord called me this morning and told me they were coming at 1130 instead of between 2 and 4, but also that she would be there. I panicked and tore my tent down and moved all of my plants to my fucking car. Now the pest guy and my landlord get here and the landlord just stands in the doorway, doesnt look around or anything, and the pest guy ONLY goes into my bedroom and no where else. Im pissed that i tore all this shit down for no reason whatsoever, but better safe than sorry i guess.


Active Member
better safe than sorry. lucky no one saw up moving all that shit around. I am so glad I own my house