What to get.. Rc


Well-Known Member
I ordered about of 2ci the 2cc was weak I checked my tracking and it says that my package was sent does anyone know what will happened next I emailed the vendor but I haven't got a response they usually take a while to get back to me.. This sucks balls


Well-Known Member
I ordered about of 2ci the 2cc was weak I checked my tracking and it says that my package was sent does anyone know what will happened next I emailed the vendor but I haven't got a response they usually take a while to get back to me.. This sucks balls
How much did you dose of 2c-c? A good starting dose is 40mg's. 2c-c is magnificent. The shear scope and depth shatter's all the 2cx's in my opinion, besides 2c-b. Bromo Mescaline! :D

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
2c-x's went out with the beatles. they are crap. they seem good at first because i think between the 2c-x's and jwh type things are what most people start out with. it isnt until you start trying some of the real gems out there that you see what dirty shit chem the 2c-x's are. the only thing good ever came out of the 2c'2 were the nbomes. the 2c-x's are cheap thats about all they have going for them. i say this cause i was there 1 day when i got my first 2c's was like wow great. looking back i think the tought of being able to order something thu mail that got me fucked up helped in makeing it seem better. feel free to pm for more info


Well-Known Member
the nbome's are the better of the half for sure

really favorable as they can be put on blotter

but i dont think they have gone the way of the past

they sure have become main stream

but still valuable research to be had


Well-Known Member
The 2c c I started with 25mg then went went up I finished the 100mg I had I felt alright but nothing too crazy my head hurt I liked 2ci better 25mg in the morning and 25mg at,6pm didn't sleep till 5am the next day and watching horror movies was awsome just like shrooms and coke which I've tried before


Well-Known Member
Heres my advice. I've tried pretty much all the 2c's, mxe, 4 meo pcp, 4 aco dmt.. A few more. Anyways, the 2c that I found the best was 2cp. Now there is like 2c ept73298uyhf and like 2coierhiogsl;io and 2ctr49jf94-0-e-ifgujg9, ya know.. Im not really sure about those lol but I DO know that I enjoyed 2cp much more than 2c e,b, or i. If you want stimulating lsd like effects do the 2cp. If you want insight mushroomy type tripping Id recommend 4 aco. MXE is a pretty nice dissociative, same with 4 meo pcp. Although I enjoyed neither as much as k.

Now dxm.. hehe, thats the shit. thats what I recommend over all others