What type of hood or reflector should I use??


I have a dr-120 secret jardin grow tent I'm purchasing a build it yourself lighting system. I was wondering what is the best hps bulb?? What is best switchable digital balast?? And what is best style hood to use in 4x4 grow tents?? Thanks


Very helpful goldenganja13 + rep. I looked on the greners site. I really like the lumatex 400 or 600 I think the 1000 may be too much I don't have a 6 in exhaust fan though might have to get one along with carbon filter is that agro sun an eye hortilux the same? U like the rectangular hood compared to the parabolic hood??


Well-Known Member
I think the 600 is best in a 4x4, price is great on that site along with a $18 shipping charge. Same site I would grab a filter and fan. Pull air through filter then through light and out of tent.
I also prefer rectangular.

Since buying that hood I was able to keep my grow under 4 feet, compared to 6'7" that's awesome.


Well-Known Member
Oh bulbs, I just started reading up on the agro sun, I think it is better than the Hortilux ( I have Hortilux 600hps).


Good info dude good looking out! I'm fairly new but got some great beans from bcseeds (elephant bud) right now I'm currently using my closet lol. But soon to bud in my tent. So do u have any grow journel I can check out?? And one stupid question how do u subscribe to someones grow journel??


Well-Known Member
If you post in there journal that is one way.

I have many albums with lots of great info it them.

Always learnng I am.


Well-Known Member
What I do is buy fem seeds from the attitude seed bank, then 2 weeks before (no less) inducing flower I clone 10-15 per plant and keep only 4 for next round.


Oh I c u keep 4 for next round like they r your mother plants?? Attitude seed bank r they good? What's their web site and do they ship to us(Michigan)?? Do u clone traditionally or ez-clone or bubble clone?? Rockwool, or oasis,or jiffy,or soil??


Nice dude! That makes me want to hit it! Lol fat nugs. I just got my caregiver lic here in Michigan. My mother has got ovarian cancer and weed helps with her chemo so I thought I would grow moms so good ass shit! Lol . I'm starting off with 5 varieties (ice,thumper,white widow,mt everest skunk,shishaberry) they r 4 weeks into flower. In vegg room just started 10 elephant bud that I'm going to start cloning off of.