What Type Of Plant Training Should I Use For Highest Yield?


New Member
I have a rough idea how I want to train my plants to be in order to best fill my space for best yield, but I was wondering what you guys think I should do to get it.

I'll try to describe my space and how I want them, if I don't explain it well let me know and I'll try n make pics on paint or something.
Ok so my space is a 1.2mx1.2mx2m tent, in which I'll be putting 6 plants in 5 galon DWcs (33cm or so diameter) in 2 rows of three under a 600w HPS which will have been vegged for about 2 months (however long it takes previous crop to flower). I'll probably space it so that there's something like 15cm between the DWCs and the wall of the tent and the remaining 25cm or so in the middle. So this will give the plants 60cm wide and 40cm long (and whatever height) to grow, so as you can probably tell I'll need to do quite a bit of training.

I was thinking of topping fairly early to try and make them a kind of Y-shape and tie down half into the middle n tie the other on down a little or just leave it the way it is and cut and tie together to stop from going past 40cm and interfering with each other and let it grow however it wants in the middle and maybe lollipop or defoliate a little, but it seems like there's a lot of variables involved.
I could LST them around the buckets and maybe if necessary also tie down some secondary branches into the middle, but I've tried LST before n it didn't work very well n never was able to get it around the pot at all, pretty sure because they were autos but it still put me off. Also would it be ok to put 4 or so screws in the bucket in order to LST?

So what should I use: LST, Super-Cropping, Defoliation, Topping, Main-Lining or some mixture

The strains I'm 99% sure I'm growing (haven't bought them yet) are: Critical Mass (Mr Nice Seeds, mostly Indica), Super Lemon Haze (Green House Seeds, mostly Sativa) and Critical Jack (Dinafem, Something like 60% Sativa I think)

Anyway I'm guessing in order to get the highest yield possible it'll have to be some kind of mixture, but what?


Active Member
I have been on here for a month or 2 researching the same thing and have found some great advice but I think you have hit the key its not all of one or the other but a combination of all that makes your plant all it can be.I started manipulating mine 3 grows ago before even being on RIU and have found that alot of the advice I have gotten matches up with things I have already started or done to some extent just by looking at the plant and picturing what i would like it to look like when it's finished and making it that way whatever it takes.(cut,bend,tie down,and defoliate)Just listen to all and take what you like from each and you'll get what you're looking for.


Well-Known Member
Yield is going to be determined by much more than just pruning/training method. It comes down to the individual plant (genetics), environment, nutrients, etc etc. Best advice is to get in and give it a go. DWC usually means fast growth rates, so you should get the chance to experiment fairly quickly with a few rotations. Also with 6 plants and a range of strains, you'll see how each performs differently. It might be a bit hard keeping ontop of them all (I'd be keeping notes).

Don't stress about it all too much, as mudhead31 said, follow others advice and do whatever you want/need to. These plants take a fair bit of abuse/domination, so don't think you're doing anything 'wrong'. Every grower has their own methodology, see if you can see someone who matches your style/setup. Autos aren't really suited to training, so I'm not surprised your previous LST didn't go so well - but don't be discouraged.

In the first instance I would: top, LST, top, LST, supercrop clones. Repeat until 1-2 weeks prior to transition. For seedlings, top, mainline [topping for 4 or 8, supercrop as needed).


New Member
Thanks, I think I'll give LST another shot and seeing as its going to be DWC and 2 month veg I should have plenty of time, might do it so that it goes right around the pot and then let it grow in height and tie it into the miiddle. I'll probably do different things with each plant and test what's best as I'll kind of be doing that anyway as I'll find out what yields the most and smokes best and clone it


New Member
"In the first instance I would: top, LST, top, LST,"
sounds interesting, the way I'm picturing it the plant would then look a bit like an H.
I'll probably do a grow journal so that I can use that for notes, I always find myself forgetting how old they are lol.
A sidenote if I do do a journal I'm going to edit the first post with the final yield, cos it's a bitch going through loads of journals trying to find the yield!


Active Member
Thanks, I think I'll give LST another shot and seeing as its going to be DWC and 2 month veg I should have plenty of time, might do it so that it goes right around the pot and then let it grow in height and tie it into the miiddle. I'll probably do different things with each plant and test what's best as I'll kind of be doing that anyway as I'll find out what yields the most and smokes best and clone it
I am curently doing a couple just like that and they are looking very promising(vegging now)it definitely makes for a nice fat plant.think there are pictures of it in my grow journal actually now that i'm thinking of it mabe I'll take some new ones tonight and upload them later. I


Active Member
002.JPG 003.JPG 004.JPG These first three are my TH Seeds "ultra sour" trained as you described above004.JPG 004.JPG 005.JPG 006.JPG These are my female seeds "bubblegummer" trained the same way



New Member
XD. They look incredible! nice work. If I were you I think I'd defoliate a little but it's hard to tell, the pictures taken from the top look like all the potential bud sites are getting light it's just there's so many leafs! I'll be keeping an eye on your journal, can't wait to see what you get from them!


Active Member
XD. They look incredible! nice work. If I were you I think I'd defoliate a little but it's hard to tell, the pictures taken from the top look like all the potential bud sites are getting light it's just there's so many leafs! I'll be keeping an eye on your journal, can't wait to see what you get from them!
I will take a few leaves that I need to to assure good light all the way through but it won't be too many as the canopy is only about 16 inches deep and the light should mostly penetrate everywhere.


Active Member
Too bad thy aren't yours but they do look sweet.I have actually just started to mainline my first batch.I have done a few things that closely resemble it but am now actually trying to do it the entirely corect way.Started training my first 8 about a week ago +-.


New Member
I think I've decided I'm going to top as early as I can, LST the 2 new main stems to each side of the pot then when it reaches the end I'll top again and LST so that from above it looks like an H and then let it grow upwards while LSTing into the space in the middle and defoliating. That way I'll end up with 4 main colas and whatever other bud sites grow in between.
Better than just LSTing around the bucket as i worked out it'd have to be 103cm tall (and however tall when I started LST), They would be able to grow that much easily but then it won't be able to gain much actual height thus not the best use of my space.


Active Member
Just remember plants don't nesacerily have to be tall to yield.I have done some with height and found that I haven't gained alot because alot of anything 2' or lower into the canopy didn't really amount to much(i'm only running 600w hps) just took up space and 90% of the bud was still in the top 2'.


Active Member
I have a rough idea how I want to train my plants to be in order to best fill my space for best yield, but I was wondering what you guys think I should do to get it.

I'll try to describe my space and how I want them, if I don't explain it well let me know and I'll try n make pics on paint or something.
Ok so my space is a 1.2mx1.2mx2m tent, in which I'll be putting 6 plants in 5 galon DWcs (33cm or so diameter) in 2 rows of three under a 600w HPS which will have been vegged for about 2 months (however long it takes previous crop to flower). I'll probably space it so that there's something like 15cm between the DWCs and the wall of the tent and the remaining 25cm or so in the middle. So this will give the plants 60cm wide and 40cm long (and whatever height) to grow, so as you can probably tell I'll need to do quite a bit of training.

I was thinking of topping fairly early to try and make them a kind of Y-shape and tie down half into the middle n tie the other on down a little or just leave it the way it is and cut and tie together to stop from going past 40cm and interfering with each other and let it grow however it wants in the middle and maybe lollipop or defoliate a little, but it seems like there's a lot of variables involved.
I could LST them around the buckets and maybe if necessary also tie down some secondary branches into the middle, but I've tried LST before n it didn't work very well n never was able to get it around the pot at all, pretty sure because they were autos but it still put me off. Also would it be ok to put 4 or so screws in the bucket in order to LST?

So what should I use: LST, Super-Cropping, Defoliation, Topping, Main-Lining or some mixture

The strains I'm 99% sure I'm growing (haven't bought them yet) are: Critical Mass (Mr Nice Seeds, mostly Indica), Super Lemon Haze (Green House Seeds, mostly Sativa) and Critical Jack (Dinafem, Something like 60% Sativa I think)

Anyway I'm guessing in order to get the highest yield possible it'll have to be some kind of mixture, but what?
Have you grown 6 DWC in that size of tent before? that sounds like its going to be a damn forest. IMO there is not a better growing technique than SCROG. 1. You get the best efficiency of your light 2. It looks cool as fuck 3. I love making my plants grow exactly how I tell them to. Top multiple times because 2 months veg in a 5 gal DWC is going to give you trees