What would happen if......


Active Member
ok so this is just a theoretical situation but i was wondering what would happen if someone stole a plant that is on thier property and turned it into someone. would it not count because they would have to be trespassing to steal it or would they be watched or what?
input anyone?


So someone comes onto your yard, yanks the plant, then brings it over to the police? You could only get in trouble if they brought the police back to find more plants. No way to prove it was on your property. If they really wanted to bust you they would probably just tell the Police "Hey come check out this weed plant I found" rather than ripping up the evidence.


Active Member
So someone comes onto your yard, yanks the plant, then brings it over to the police? You could only get in trouble if they brought the police back to find more plants. No way to prove it was on your property. If they really wanted to bust you they would probably just tell the Police "Hey come check out this weed plant I found" rather than ripping up the evidence.
but in order for the police to go into someones house they have to get a warrant (unless someone doesnt know thier rights), but would that be enough evidence for a warrant because they were trespassing?


A person of good moral stature, with a clean record, claiming to have positively indentified marijuana on your property could be enough for a Judge to issue a search warrant. That warrant would have to state that the area to be searched would be outside the home and they would not legally be able to search your house unless they did come across the plants on your property. In which case, the judge would have probable cause to issue a search for your household as well. If the informant in question actually brought plant material as well as the claim to the police, and as I stated earlier had a clean record, that would pretty much guarantee a warrant being issued. The police wouldn't care that the person was trespassing, they would still conduct the search and possible arrest, and you would have to argue the entire trespassing issue in court. If this is some kind of blackmail issue or someone did come across any illegal doings on your part or someone you know, I would suggest getting rid of the evidence, if any, to be on the safe side.


A kinda similar situation happened to a friend of mine in high school. His mom found a bag of weed in his room, brought it to the police department, and they came back and arrested him. Biggest douche in the universe award for her busting her own son, but shows what the police can do.


Active Member
A person of good moral stature, with a clean record, claiming to have positively indentified marijuana on your property could be enough for a Judge to issue a search warrant. That warrant would have to state that the area to be searched would be outside the home and they would not legally be able to search your house unless they did come across the plants on your property. In which case, the judge would have probable cause to issue a search for your household as well. If the informant in question actually brought plant material as well as the claim to the police, and as I stated earlier had a clean record, that would pretty much guarantee a warrant being issued. The police wouldn't care that the person was trespassing, they would still conduct the search and possible arrest, and you would have to argue the entire trespassing issue in court. If this is some kind of blackmail issue or someone did come across any illegal doings on your part or someone you know, I would suggest getting rid of the evidence, if any, to be on the safe side.
it just bugs me how little privacy we have in america...someone could call the cops on you even if they think your growing and then this whole big ordeal starts.
Same with if someone wanted to send you to a mental hospital...all they would have to do is call and say "this persons goin to kill himself" then they have to go through a big deal of shit for someone else's shit.theres a huge ass gap in the system.

...a similar story happend to one of my friends...his dad found a bong and called the cops to confinscate it...he didnt get arrested though...probably cuz it was a bong and not bud...or didfferent state laws idk.
thanks man +REP


Well-Known Member
ill tell you what should happen, their legs and arms should rot off. and then get punched in the face for bein a rat.