What would the world be like with no borders?


Well-Known Member
Would it be good/bad, why?

Is it inevitable?

Will we destroy ourselves and start over from the dark ages before that happens?



Well-Known Member
I never see it happening. Wether social, geographical, political, economic etc. There are borders/boundaries. They exist in all forms of natural order. Wildlife and humankind want and need "territory". Exclusive domain and rights to whats inside. Breeding caribou where the bull runs herd on the harem. Bears that compete for territory because of food/mates/dominance. Strong survive is natures theme. I want borders. I want private property that I control access to and have legal dominion over. We may see a North American Union, those borders may cease. I want my own piece of the world, home/city/state/country.


Well-Known Member
Man will start fighting all over again.
It's our nature.
Could you expand on that?

I asked if it would be good/bad, and you simply answered: yes. Does that mean it will be good or bad, in your opinion?

Why would man start fighting all over again?

Because "it's our nature"? What does that mean?


Active Member
Would it be good/bad, why?

Is it inevitable?

Will we destroy ourselves and start over from the dark ages before that happens?

Currently, every take we have on creating a "united" world (I forget the scientific term; I'm drunk and med'd), we fail. We cannot find a way to create a common people, and then a common government. Maybe it is impossible, maybe we need to complete more research, either way, it is very hard to try create a permanent, socialistic world. Like Nutes and Nugs was getting at is: it is human nature of a male, to want to be dominant and maximize his chance of producing quality offspring. It is also human nature of a female to be selective in a guy that is dominant, so that her offspring also maximize the chance of being of quality. That part is basic biology; natural selection. Therefore, consequently, socialism(sharing) is naturally in favor of the exact opposite of our biology(dominance).

However, I do believe that if we work towards creating a cyborg, or "unbiased" intelligence, that can act in favor of our rights, as to determine the law in all of its' aspects, we might have a fighting chance in creating a common race, the human race.

Think of the possibilities of what will be accomplished then... Collective Physics knowledge x10 plus x3 per year until we hit goals of galactic transportation, as well as overall cosmic knowledge (one of my specialties :)), collective knowledge gain of at least 5x in 1 year. Maybe 50x in 10years on a conservative level. We (the human species), could very much use (Current situation in US) our intelligence towards the greater good, instead of for protecting individuals and destroying others. I think we need to wise up, or maybe have nature wise us up (discovery of 1mile+ diameter meteor on collision course to Earth), and find that our collective knowledge would be far greater than any of us predict, and that maybe we are destined to become a larger part of what we are made of (star dust). I only wish we could even collectively find a way to maintain life on this planet for an "infinite" amount of time. At our current rate, the planet will be inhabitable within 1000 years or so; that is crazy to think of.

I have a lot more to say about these subjects, and have created many programs to simulate choices, actions, rewards and environments, to learn from these type of questions, but, it is hard to discuss these matters on a forum with a population parallel to growing marijuana; although I must admit, it is a kind surprise to observe that the general population here is far more intelligent and articulate than that found in everyday life. So I will cease my discussion, and any further discussion about government, or artificial intelligence simulation, can be pm'd to me.


Well-Known Member
Borders surround resources that are to die for. Most borders were won by war to protect those resources. They weren't just drawn, they were fought over, first. Even the State borders were fought over and still contested for water rights.

Dream on, girls.


Well-Known Member
Or the Greater Co-prosperity Sphere. Even today, one of the US, main jobs is to keep China from slaughtering all in Japan.

Nanjing Province. We fought and died with China to save them from the Sphere. They want revenge. It is to the credit of the debt they own us, that they do not take it, yet. This is not a money debt, it is the Eastern debt, with all the obligations of saving someone's life. We owe them too, for taking the bother.

It's funny, the past seems over to the Move On.org types.
The head in the sand is more comfortable with theory than reality.

The Dilettantes are in charge and Japan should worry. I mean if we are going to give up the Jews, isn't protecting Japan, next?