What would you do?


yeah i didnt plant to be a parent either, much less starting at 21... but cant change it when it does happen.... as far as the gender roles, my boy has blown my mind.... he's all cars, trucks, rough-housing, affection from dad is rarely acceptable, etc.... at only 2yrs of age... these werent pushed on him, he did it himself... amazing really....


Well-Known Member
You know exactly what I'm talking about. I was 22 when I had my first boy, too. My best advice, don't ever let those lines of communication break down, especially during the teen years. We had a seriously rough go of it and have been rebuilding the relationship, but it's difficult when he's in SoCal and so busy. As long as it's only me who pays the price, unfortunately, he does as well.

2yo is fun, but my favorite are kindergartners. :D


Well-Known Member
At this point I would soak the buds in water to release the dirt. It will not affect the thc. If you choose you may water cure it completely. This take 7 days and the water must be changed every day. After 7 days dry the buds in a dehydrator, or bake in a convection oven with the door propped open.///keep an eye on it. Your finished weight will not be as nice but then you already had an early harvest, so just save what you can and start over.\\\My Condolences///Redi​


Well-Known Member
Thank you. :) We began the first batch (I had to break up the trimming job, it's tiring work!) on Halloween, and so far so good, a lot of soil's been taken off to this point, though there's still a LOT more left. I just wish I'd been able to let this girl finish up properly. C'est la vies!


You know exactly what I'm talking about. I was 22 when I had my first boy, too. My best advice, don't ever let those lines of communication break down, especially during the teen years. We had a seriously rough go of it and have been rebuilding the relationship, but it's difficult when he's in SoCal and so busy. As long as it's only me who pays the price, unfortunately, he does as well.

2yo is fun, but my favorite are kindergartners. :D

*shudders*.... we try not to think about teen years yet... he is JUST like me already.... we are SCARED! i can only hope that he respects me and we keep a good relationship.. i try to be as fair as possible, but i know we are gonna have some rough times...:cry:


Well-Known Member
Update: Pulled out all of Miss California Indica x Big Bud's harvest from the jars. I don't have enough room to make rows of strings to hang dry, so I did something a little weird. I stitched them with upholstery thread. This allowed me to make use of the vertical as well as horizontal space I do have available. #15 Norene Badseed will be strung up today.


Well-Known Member
At this point I would soak the buds in water to release the dirt. It will not affect the thc. If you choose you may water cure it completely. This take 7 days and the water must be changed every day. After 7 days dry the buds in a dehydrator, or bake in a convection oven with the door propped open.///keep an eye on it. Your finished weight will not be as nice but then you already had an early harvest, so just save what you can and start over.\\\My Condolences///Redi
I don't recommend drying in an oven... personally ... Dehyrater may be alright, although I've never used one myself.

I always hang dry and use the two rules of hang drying: 'Good air circulation & good ventilation'

Seamaiden, let us know what that bud comes out like and what you think of it. Some pictures would be cool!


Well-Known Member
I don't recommend drying in an oven... personally ... Dehyrater may be alright, although I've never used one myself.

I always hang dry and use the two rules of hang drying: 'Good air circulation & good ventilation'

Seamaiden, let us know what that bud comes out like and what you think of it. Some pictures would be cool!
Dehydrators suck


Well-Known Member
I don't think I told you how, exactly, I hung them, did ? :lol: I threaded them into swags because I didn't have enough physical drying space. Needle and some upholstery thread, barely have to touch 'em, strung 'em up et voila, swags of buds.

Buds dried FAST. I'm sorry, I didn't take pix, but it worked exactly as advertised. The buds were very dry when I pulled them off the string so I put in a piece of damp paper towel, will be checking on that later this morning. The smoke is, as advertised, HARSH. There is a marked bitterness to the smoke, but it does get one high.


I don't think I told you how, exactly, I hung them, did ? :lol: I threaded them into swags because I didn't have enough physical drying space. Needle and some upholstery thread, barely have to touch 'em, strung 'em up et voila, swags of buds.

Buds dried FAST. I'm sorry, I didn't take pix, but it worked exactly as advertised. The buds were very dry when I pulled them off the string so I put in a piece of damp paper towel, will be checking on that later this morning. The smoke is, as advertised, HARSH. There is a marked bitterness to the smoke, but it does get one high.
harsh huh??? like burns your throat harsh?? and a "marked bitterness"?? dont think i'll ever be trying the ole water cure... at least it gets you high and you didnt have to scrap it... that woulda hurt worse


Well-Known Member
Yeah, freshly dried "burns your throat" harsh. I've put in some damp paper towel and it's kind of "re-fluffed" (does this make me a home fluffer?) them a bit. Read about a guy who's used small pieces of apple to make his schwag more palatable. I've just finished trimming and putting up the rest of one girl I also had to water cure (dropped her and broke off two colas and a few buds :oops:), so with this one I can definitely compare the smoke. If I really hate the water cured stuff, I might give it away. To the sister who likes to smoke up all your shit without telling you. :twisted: Heh heh heh heeehhhhh... :hump: (Somebody needs to learn that girl some headiquette!) :D


Yeah, freshly dried "burns your throat" harsh. I've put in some damp paper towel and it's kind of "re-fluffed" (does this make me a home fluffer?) them a bit. Read about a guy who's used small pieces of apple to make his schwag more palatable. I've just finished trimming and putting up the rest of one girl I also had to water cure (dropped her and broke off two colas and a few buds :oops:), so with this one I can definitely compare the smoke. If I really hate the water cured stuff, I might give it away. To the sister who likes to smoke up all your shit without telling you. :twisted: Heh heh heh heeehhhhh... :hump: (Somebody needs to learn that girl some headiquette!) :D

that sucks that you might have to end up giving it away... but at least someone will be smoking it, rather than it going to waste....


Well-Known Member
Maybe it has something to do with the water used. While I did use filtered, our source water is chock full of dissolved minerals, especially iron and calcium. Could also have had to do with how dry it was when I smoked it. That's why I put in the damp paper towels. I'm gonna have some a little later and see how it smokes (if I didn't over-do the towels, when I checked this afternoon the buds needed a little more time to equalize the moisture, but it wasn't too much).

Or, and this is just as likely, I could be a pussy.


New Member
Maybe it has something to do with the water used. While I did use filtered, our source water is chock full of dissolved minerals, especially iron and calcium. Could also have had to do with how dry it was when I smoked it. That's why I put in the damp paper towels. I'm gonna have some a little later and see how it smokes (if I didn't over-do the towels, when I checked this afternoon the buds needed a little more time to equalize the moisture, but it wasn't too much).

Or, and this is just as likely, I could be a pussy.
yea i used distilled water and flushed 2 weeks before i harvest so maybe that has something to do with it....... cuz i dont remember if u said you flushed or not...


Well-Known Member
yea i used distilled water and flushed 2 weeks before i harvest so maybe that has something to do with it....... cuz i dont remember if u said you flushed or not...
I flushed. I also just responded to you in another thread. I think that part of the issue is that water-cured bud, once dried, is REALLY dry. Crumbly dry. I mentioned about the damp paper towels and just finished smoking a bud that's been exposed for 24hrs. MUCH better smoke! Not at all harsh, no bitterness, admittedly not the same flavor as my other buds, but still, all in all quite smokable. I may re-dry some buds and try a small apple wedge.

I have a little bit of another girl that I didn't try yet, has been with the damp paper towel as well. She STINKS, like nasty girl skunk-stank, so I expect she'll smoke differently from this Cali. Indica x Big Bud.

Funny thing, the stalk hasn't died yet, either. :shock: I guess I'll leave it there and see if it regenerates.


Well-Known Member
i wonder why mine isnt harsh?????? it just has no flavor and is enjoyable to smoke
Mine's never been harsh either.

Interesting that some people are finding some to be more harsh than air cured and others find it to be less harsh.

Could that just be dependent on what we're all used to, or is it strain dependent etc?
Where's the scientists at!?


Well-Known Member
I think the moisture content in the buds has something to do with it. The smoke really improved after having some time in the jars to get a little softened up. In a week or so I'll be able to compare one air-dried/cured gal with her water-cured counterpart buds.


Well-Known Member
I think the moisture content in the buds has something to do with it. The smoke really improved after having some time in the jars to get a little softened up. In a week or so I'll be able to compare one air-dried/cured gal with her water-cured counterpart buds.
i guess you were to pissed to come back and tell us the results eh?... or maybe too high?


This is an old ass thread!!!!