What would YOU DO!!?!?


Well-Known Member
I would do SOG but would choose the more conventional Ebb and Flow, Dude, so much depends on things you haven't told us. What strain? Are you set up and experienced at cloning? What light are you using? SCROGING really takes a lot of fiddling and training (in my experience) and large plants are hard to inspect and work on in such a small space. With SOG you have them all laid out at an easy level to work on (I'm an old fart) and easy to inspect. DWC is too twitchy for me. E&F is a snap once set up. So you asked...that's what I'd do.


Well-Known Member
My experience tells me for you to go with the number you have the most experience with. If that awenser if none of the above start with four then see how things go, I overwhelmed myself one time and killed ladies which took years off my life I think at the time lol. Everytime you keep your set-up k.i.s.s simple things tend to fall into place. Have fun no matter hopw many you choose to grow mang cannabis is truly a lovely plant! I read about a medicine man burial site where they found cannabis ground up in a bowl buried beside him, grave was ancient, gonna try to find the story and post a thread up here for shits and giggles.:weed: sorry im rambling and hella stoned on 7/8's sour diesel.


Well-Known Member
Are you speaking from experience or matter of opinion? SOG isnt very uncommon and they usually go 4 per sq/ft which I would be doing 3 sq/ft .

Any other input?
For real SOG is about the simplest way to get max yields but you don't do it from seed you take clones so all you really need is 1 fem seed I'd buy more then 1 of course who knows it may not germinate and buy the time she's about 2 months you can take 100's of clones a month from seed will break you though unless you breed your own. There are even some nice 12/12 from seed grows but they will get too big and some taller then others if you did less you could.


Yes, mine is Gow-tek H2O2 I thinks it's 29%, it will burn the shit out of your fingers, so go easy on it! but it definitely made a huge difference in my first resovoir change I had slime! then my husband switched to H2O2, he didn't go full strength, and on the bottle it does say to add every 3 to 5 days, but don't add too much, but for me looking at my first resovoir ( I have two kits, I use the other for switching resovoirs because I put my plants in a hydro farm bag with some azomite and they are doing great, I spray a little thrive alive b Omri on them) but with just aqua shield, then switching to H2o2, my entire resovoir was clean as a whistle, no slime in it the roots were white again, I like anoos's idea of adding just a few sprinkles every few days. Good luck, if something tragically goes wrong with adding it to my resovoir tank I will let you know .


Great idea Bluntmaster, like I said, reading others posts gives me so much info instead of posting a question, I read threads and find an answer or pm!


Well-Known Member
4 plants completely fill up my 4x4 space with nothing but 1 topping.
How you guys can get 16 is amazing to me.
I have 3 right now and those 3 are literally trying to grow on top of each other in a 4x4 space.
16 would be my max and in a scrog otherwise there would be no room. I have six in my tent now aeroponics style and it's getting crowded.


Well-Known Member
I saw a picture once of a guy (pretty sure it was a commercial grower in Cali or Colorado) who had probably 30 plants in a 4x4 or 5x5 space. Its literally the only time I've seen them squeezed that tight, and they were all about 12 inches tall each with 1 top (like an 8 inch cola) and no other buds all in a scrog.

I mean its doable, but personally I would totally screw up a grow like that. I'd probably wind up taking at least half of them out and letting them get a little bigger.

If you are going to try it, ebb and flow sounds like a good idea. Keep the containers small (if you're gonna try a lot I wouldn't even use 1 gallons) BC that's the easiest way to keep the size down. Plus, in ebb and flow there would only be 1 res, maybe 2 to change and a dwc setup of that number would require a shit ton of air stones and air pumps alone, not to mention dealing with that many dwc containers would just be a pain in the ass, especially getting to the middle plants if you had to. Oh wait, I'm just now remember you said rdwc, I'm not sure how that works as far as the res goes so maybe it wouldn't be as bad. But ebb and flow definitely seems easier.