Whats a good filler for FFOF soil?+rep for good advice

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Ive been buying ocean forest and just mixin perlite in, but the ffof costs $15 a bag, Im growing outdoor and the holes im diggin almost use a whole bag! And I cant just keep doin that, so I wanna know what you other growers use to mix in so that your not wasting...should I use that coco coir stuff that comes in big blocks? all suggestions and advice welcome, thanks.
If I was growing outdoors, I would just pick up some cow manure compost and mix it with the native soil. In that mix, I would also add an Espoma fertilizer. I don't see Espoma ever talked about and if you look at their labels their product contains great stuff. The fertilizer even tells you how much to add to a new hole! It would be great if you could let the hole with the compost/native soil/fertilizer sit for a month but if not, no big deal.

Here is link to the Espoma ingredients: http://www.espoma.com/p_consumer/pdf/products/tones/Esp_Plant.pdf

So easy and cheap!


Well-Known Member
I like that epsoma plant-tone. It has every nessesary plant nutrient in it. I use it to soup-up potting soil, but I grow indoors.
If you go to home depot they sell big bags of garden soil that you mix in to native soil. I say buy some of that, mix some plant-tone with it and you should be good to go.