Whats the best way to dry your weed


Well-Known Member
hang in a dry dark place. Around room temperature with good ventilation. hang them upside down til the seem dry (stems snap easily). This can take 1-3 weeks. Then cure in mason jars.


Active Member
if you want to do it properly don't dry til stem snaps. that's too long. dry til the weed feels dry but the stem still bends slightly (it can splinter off some when u try to break it). then jar them with an airlight lid, opening it every 12 hrs for 20-30 min. if they feel too moist you can leave them open for like 1-2 hrs, but then jar it back up and do this again every 12 hrs for like 7 days, then after that you can open about once a day for like 10-20 min for a week. they should be good after that and you can leave them sealed from then on.
i have it in a tin near a pellet stove cus it makes the room its in smell like a skunks ass its some northern lights and its really funky would my basement be a good place?
i dont have mason jars whats a sub would a metal tin work? + I'm not tryin to read through mad shit on how to do it ,just plain black and white how long do I hang it?

someone else

Active Member
i dont have mason jars whats a sub would a metal tin work? + I'm not tryin to read through mad shit on how to do it ,just plain black and white how long do I hang it?
Your lack of patience in simply reading the harvesting/curing thread is disappointing, not to mention the SEARCH feature which works well in narrowing down results.

Hang the buds on some string or hangers, indoors. Keep the air moving in the room they're in, but do not directly put a fan or direct air on the plants. Make sure its as dark as possible.

When the plants that are hanging in there are surrounded in darkness, photosynthesis stops and the plant can start breaking down the chlorophyll and sugars that make weed harsh when it's smoked.

After the twigs become bendy but sorta crisp, take the buds down. There is no finite time when you have to take the buds down, because every strain, heck, every phenotype of a strain is different. Don't wait until the stems snap, or you'll over dry the bud and it'll smoke harshly and not have the taste that's possible for them.

That's where curing come in.

Put them in glass jars with a tight top, and burp (air out) twice a day for 20 minutes for the first week, then progressively less.

If you don't have jars, use paper bags, or some dry cardboard.

Anything paper that you can partially seal, like a paper bag.

Make sure to occasionally take the buds out completely, so you move them around and promote more even drying.

Wheeler man

Active Member
i dont have mason jars whats a sub would a metal tin work? + I'm not tryin to read through mad shit on how to do it ,just plain black and white how long do I hang it?
This site is all about reading mad shit...:dunce:...It's all there in black and white......


Well-Known Member
This site is all about reading mad shit...:dunce:...It's all there in black and white......
I could sit here and write a tutorial, but there's already a bunch written.

If you won't read, you're doomed to try every bullshit guess some noob offers.

If you want to see newly harvested buds, hanging, go to my grow thread. Over the next couple of months, I'll post pictures of the process.

Straight up, without describing your climate, etc, no one can give you a good idea of what you need.