Whats up with my leafs??


Well-Known Member
for the future add 1 large tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon of mix to avoid this problem. Your leaves are showing signs of a magnesium deficiency and possibly a calcium deficiency.
How close are you from harvest, a few weeks?
you can top feed with a large tablespoon or so of dolomite lime and water it in well, this should slow down the yellowing, the affected leaves will not heal.


Well-Known Member
Seriously kush, with that information and those pics; I don't see how you reached that conclusion: "add nutes". If you don't feel absolutely confident in your advice, don't give it. At least give a disclaimer. It would also be nice to know what nute the plant is deficient in according to your expert opinion.

OP, I haven't seen that on any plant I've grown so I can't intelligenly give you any good advice. I would try marijuana plant problems forum for your answer. There are a bunch of good growers there that seem to donate their time and knowledge to help a grower out. I'd even try PMing someone you trust (even if you don't know them) for quick responses. Be sure to post this link in the PM for quick reference. Good luck with your grow bro. Sorry I wasn't much help.


Well-Known Member
for the future add 1 large tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon of mix to avoid this problem. Your leaves are showing signs of a magnesium deficiency and possibly a calcium deficiency.
How close are you from harvest, a few weeks?
you can top feed with a large tablespoon or so of dolomite lime and water it in well, this should slow down the yellowing, the affected leaves will not heal.

ye im like 2 weeks max away from harvest and cheers il try this:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I have the same issues. Couldn't find anything in deficiency guides to solve it. I concluded it was slight nitrogen toxicity-notice the dark green appearance-with a slight ph imbalance which in turn caused the leaves closest to the light to burn off in spots. The closest thing I could relate to was Calcium deficiency but ruled that out. 2 weeks to harvest you say- are you flushing? these leaves should be yellowing by now. Stop any nitrogen. Very difficult problem to undo. Mine usually starts halfway through flowering and oddly only under a 600 HPS- I dont get it with others that have 400HPS.