Whats Ur FAVORITE time of day to toke it up???

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
As difficult as it may be to believe, some people actually enjoy having full control of all their faculties at all times and of their mind at all times and of their thought process at all times and of their concentration at all times and actually get off living totally within the realm of reality at all times.

Odd ... isn't it?
And yet they will drink 12 beers like nothing at all.


Well-Known Member
<<<<< look at the time his posted.. at exactly that time I would say was my best moment to light this blunt.


Well-Known Member
I make a point of being awake and going down to the beach at 4:20 in the morning, its calm I can hear the waves breaking I feel happy and most of the time I can see the moon go to bed and the sun rise :) I chill there with a neatly packed king L until I am happy with the mellow then its headphones on and I stroll home back to bed listening to trip-hop :) The other time I really like is when its about 6PM in the evening and the light changes its a trippy time of day and time seems to slow down whether I am stoned or not :) the skys no longer blue and definatly not black.....its more like a transparent purply red :) if that makes sense I love to smoke then and when I finish and put it out I am in a super relaxed state and ready to enjoy a nice evening of freedom and will do with ease - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
When I wake n bake it still feels like I'm sleeping! haha

I had a friend who put a packed bong right next to his bed so right when he opened his eyes he could hit it lmao
It usually makes me pretty out of it for most of the day. Wake 'n bakes are reserved for days when I have nothing to accomplish.:eyesmoke:

I'll have to try packing a bowl and putting it right next to my bed. I would probably just get baked and roll over and fall back to sleep! lol! :sleep:


If i wake n bake i sometimes feel really couhlocked, but if i get that uppy weed ill instantly wake up nd start doing things


Active Member
my favorite time is when i finish work and take care of all other business affairs. when i have a whole day off, i love to wake and bake. business before pleasure.


Any time really. I'm a high functioning pothead. I'm able to conduct realtime, high intensity work no matter how stoned I am. I'm 47 and retired...smoked daily (just about) since I was 12....gotta admit 4:20 AM...when all the world's asleep is a particularly sexy/enlightening time to burn one.