Whats wrg with this Picture??? Leaves???


Active Member
Hi, can you folks look at this plant and see if it looks ok, or do the Bottom leaves look a bit Droopy???
Ps. Right now its in a 5 inch pot, should I put it in a bigger one?



Well-Known Member
Maybe not enough water?
Btw, I have a similar problem with leaves, but I think in my case I need to lower the nutes dose.


Active Member
I think I may use to much nutes too, Also I tend over water sometimes too, as for nutes, I use ph6 water mainly ,, then once or twice every two weeks a half dose of MG , then Alaska fish fertilizer every few days or so and spray lightly daily to keep top soil not so dried out..


Well-Known Member
looks like overwatering. you want to wet the soil, let it dry, wet the soil, let it dry. if you keep watering it, the roots cant get oxygenated, and also the soil just stays nasty and wet. this can cause other problems also. what most people do is push their finger in the soil an inch or 2 deep. if you feel moisture, wait a little more before you water again. OR next time you water, lift the pot, and feel the weight of it. then when you know its dry, lift it again. you will most definitely tell the difference

heres overwatered:

heres underwatered:

notice the difference? underwatering tends to make the plant look like its about to die. but if you give that underwatered plant some water, she would perk back up in about an hour