Whats Wrong With Her?? Got Pics----CRITICAL MASS


Ok here is my Critical Mass plant and she just don't look right to me? All of the higher up leaves are droopy and its not over watering. It looks like when you wait to long to water and your plant starts to droop alittle bit thats whats going on here but even if i do a fresh watering she don't perk back up.
I am using guanos for ferts and sunshine mix #4 for soil less mix temps are around 68 to 72 and humidity is around 40% to 60% at the highest. Just trying to figure out whats going on none of my others look like this and i have never had this issue but this is the first time growing this strain. Let me know what you guys think.



Active Member
Are the leaves OK at the beginning of the day (when the light turns on), and going droopy after some time (like say 8 hours of light)?


Are the leaves OK at the beginning of the day (when the light turns on), and going droopy after some time (like say 8 hours of light)?
Well it is in veg and I run 24hrs light I don't turn my veg lights off. I just put it into the flower room tonight. But it stays like this all the time even when freshly watered BUT I have been watering with high ph water because I didn't have a meter and I just recently got a new meter so I will be ph'ing my water from now on. I just wonder if the ph is just so high that maybe it took effect to this plant because none of my other strains are like this? I think I am just going to do a couple flushes to her and hopefully she flowers out good for me......


Active Member
I noticed, during flowering, that all my plants would look great for about 6 hours after light turned on, but then they all would start to droop. Every day, like clockwork.

Someone told me it was too much light for the plants to handle (or more correctly, something else was missing for it to utilitize the light energy).

The problem slowly went away, and I never found out what was lacking.
Just sharing my experience, I'm sorry I can't answer your question.


78F is perfect.Give'n them fresh airflow or co2?Don't over water.
Yep my room get fresh air circulation and also my room is setup right next to my furnace which is a propane boiler so I am not using co2 in room just what comes off the furnace through my inlet vents. My temps never get to 78F highest they will get is around 71F and I have had good results but its just this one plant that I'm not understanding. I really think its from watering with a high PH tap water but I have did that to all my plants??


I just stumbled across this thread, so I thought I would conribute my personal experience...

This strain has a particularly large rhizosphere, and I found that in a standard ebb n grow system, the roots overgrow the hydroton and become a bit root bound and then that leads to overwatering due to imroper drainage in the buckets after a flooding. I lost 4 plants to moisture stress on only 4 waterings a day in this system. Prior to this, the plants looked like rock stars and then all of a sudden they drooped over and subsequently died off. This strain seems to be pretty picky about its watering schedule, so watch your p's and q's with it. You will see phenominal growth for a 3 week period in flower, and then all of a sudden she stops her exponential growth and slows to a crawl for a couple of weeks. I had to add in a 7-10 day recovery period after over watering them, so they will recover and start to take up nutes again. I stressed the entire crop of her, and now she is penalizing me with snail like growth in weeks 5+ of bloom.