whats wrong with her?


Active Member
It the first chronic plant ive ever grown. im sprouting new seeds now.

I think my problem was either nute burn or heat stress. im thinking more heat stress, b/c with the bulbs i used before (incandescent on 24/0) got so hot it made my whole room hotter, even with 2 fans blowing in my closet.

I dont think its nute burn cause i only gave her nutes maybe twice. and i spaced them apart with fresh water in between the times i gave her some nutes. and i didnt giv her any where near a full dose.

So, heat stress? i already cut the lowest single leaves off, you can see the stubs on the lower stem.

I also trimed a few dead parts of leaves off, you may notice only half a leaf on one node.

Ever since i switched to 5 CFL's the temp is much much lower, and she is starting to grow more healthy looking leaves. and she is also sprouting leaves at the base of the nodes, which look healthy so far.

Soooo, i am thinking about keeping her but still growing a 2nd plant, incase i stressed her so much she goes hermie/male...

what do you guys think?



Active Member
could be a bit of both the coloring looks like nute burn were you feeing her a lot? looks like a big streach before it started with leaves


Active Member
could be a bit of both the coloring looks like nute burn were you feeing her a lot? looks like a big streach before it started with leaves

strange enough, she started out really short with embryo leaves, then the first bladed leaves were still pretty short on the stem, after that she started to stretch, you can see where i trimmed off the two "first" leaves, its about half way down on the stem from where the actual leaves are.

i only gave her partial doses of nutes. i only gave her nutes twice. and they were spaced out with a normal fresh watering cycle in between the feeding cycles. thats why i think its heat stress more than nute burn, but i guess it could be both?

I have stopped all nutes and went to lower temperature bulbs with a fan sitting closer than it was before, and she is responding GREAT. i just dont know if i should keep her or just wait untill one of my new seeds sprout


Active Member
To me it looks like nute burn, little overwatered, and possibly a little bit of heat stress from the looks of the twisted leaves.. hard to tell though.


Well-Known Member
Heh, it looks like you cross-bred MJ with a palm tree! :mrgreen:

No, but seriously that plant is stretching big time. When you use fluorescent lighting, you need to make sure the plant is VERY close to the lights. Fluorescent lights just don't penetrate very far, so if your plant is too far away from the lights it will keep stretching up to try to get more light instead of growing nice, tight nodes. You should never use incandescent bulbs for growing, if you got too close to those you may have burned the plant. CFLs should be much cooler, however.

Depending on how hot your CFL bulbs get, you should try and put them only a couple inches away from the plant. The closer you can get those bulbs to the plant without burning it, the better. Once you get 6-8 inches away from fluorescent light bulbs, the light is just not very powerful anymore.

If you've only fed the plant twice and only given it 1/2 strength each time, I don't think you are getting nute burn. If anything you are probably not feeding enough.

It also looks like you have a pH problem. The damage on the lower fan leaf on your 6th picture where it is getting brown rust spots and the way your leaves are twisting are good signs of a pH problem. Test your soil pH if you can and make sure you test your water's pH every time before you water. Don't water with just plain unadjusted tap water because the pH is usually too high. You want a pH between 6.5 and 6.8.

I would recommend buying a bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest potting soil if you aren't already using it. Transplant that plant into it and it will thank you for it. Also use it for your second plant if you're going to grow one. Especially if you don't have a way to measure your soil pH, putting it into Ocean Forest will most likely ensure that you are using a soil with the correct pH.