whats wrong with my clones??


just took 4 clones from my mother plant.
put them in jiffi plates and hum. dome spray 5.8 ph water keeping hum high. evry thing was fine for the first 5 days but then all the tops began to turn black and rot, become mushy.
no roots growth.
any suggestions??
thanks for ur reply



Well-Known Member
Looks like a possible sulphur or zinc deficiency from those pictures although don't take my word for it that's my opinion.
Let's see what other people think.


in the first 5 days i spray in the leaves and in the dome. in the 6th day i spray only the dome.
i use very little grow powder as well.
its not my first cloning. always succeed this way but never had this prob. before


Well-Known Member
After 5 days I dip the bottom of my rock wool in water and I stop wetting the leaves.
W plugs I guess each needs a cup or saucer to bottom water.

14 days is the longest I have kept plants under high humidity.

It was a mistake,
if a plant can't survive after 9-10 days outside of 80% humidity then it's not growing right.
Looks to me like the were over watered.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
in the first 5 days i spray in the leaves and in the dome. in the 6th day i spray only the dome.
i use very little grow powder as well.
its not my first cloning. always succeed this way but never had this prob. before
No I've had this problem before and it is exactly that, once the clone begins rooting there's no need to mist the leaves and it can cause what we see here, extreme moisture on the leaves.

Let them dry out but if there's no roots yet I doubt she'll come back, just being honest. Your right on schedule for the plant to start rooting but next time stop spraying the leaves at day 5.


Well-Known Member
high temps often kills clones, depeding on the light above the propgater and the temputer under the light, inside of the propgater could be 10c more

say the clones are in the same room with the mother plants, room temp 30c the inside the propgater could be 40c and top of the propgater could act like a magnifying glass
and bleach the top of the clones


Well-Known Member
from my experience clones love humidity but to much for to long will mush and rot them after 3 days I always take dome off for a little bit each leaving it longer and longer


didnt get a response in the first one so posted in another section of the forum.
I think i over watered the clones.
im trying 3 new clones keeping them less hum. and we shall see.
thnks u all for ur answers riu always help


didnt get a response in the first one so posted in another section of the forum.
I think i over watered the clones.
im trying 3 new clones keeping them less hum. and we shall see.
thnks u all for ur answers riu always help
My thoughts as well, over watered.

My method is once soaked and cutting placed in the medium i just lightly mist on the leaves daily and use dome closed for the first three days then take the dome off and let them get air for a few hours then put the dome back on and spray/dome the dome. i don't water the medium at all you want to let it slowly dry which makes the roots reach out for water but that being said if i see the medium is dried out i will add a cup of straight water to the tray not the medium. just let them dry would be my suggestion. Hope it all works out for you :)