What's wrong with my plant now? (Pictures)


Hello guys. Iv had some problem with my plant because of bad light it got stretched and was slow in growth so iv posted a thread about that here on the forums and ppl told me to let her recover for a week or so. Now it's been a week (with good light) and she's been doing good in growth but the leaves are now dropping down. Any clues what it could cause that ? It's most the tips that are curling down.

I'm using soil.
No nutes
Grow tent
Temp about 24-29 degrees and humidity moving from 40-65%



Well-Known Member
leaf dip is often due to over watering

the real deal is to adapt ur space to the plant

not the other way round

good luck


Well-Known Member
You need to remove the bottom leaves and fill your pot.... covering the long stem will produce more roots and stabilize the plant.. looks like you just watered or over watered a bit.. no biggy..


Well-Known Member
Let it get really dry between waterings.

Protip kind of.

Let soil dry enough the soil pulls away from the pot like 1/4 inch

My watering method: Put soil pots big platic pan, about 4" deep in water nute then let them suck it up from below for like close to one hour. Then about 1/2 gallon from above. Excess goes into the drain pan.

Plants perfectly watered from top to bottom. About 3 days between waterings when rockin and rollin late flower, more like 5 days between waterings when stuff is smaller.

keep it Green


Well-Known Member
If u don't know what u are doing make sure to let the medium dry between watering and when u do water saturate the medium. Your plant looks totally fine don't sweat it. The bigger the pot the easier to keep healthy.


You need to remove the bottom leaves and fill your pot.... covering the long stem will produce more roots and stabilize the plant.. looks like you just watered or over watered a bit.. no biggy..
Now before I was about to remove the first leaves from the soil and up (first true leaves) and ppl say on the forums that that's a bad thing to do to the plant now wtf should I do lol ?


add more soil to the height of the cotyledon

water well

but lift ...think! first

good luck
Yeah man I tought it's not so good to remove the Cotyledons or the first true leaves that come directly after the Cotyledons. Allright I'll add some more just under the first leaves


Well-Known Member
No no he didn't a other guy told me to in a previous comment if you look up a bit more :)

Thanks for all answer BTW guys
That guy meant actual leaves I think. You can even bury the cotyledons.

The plant looks fine. A bit over watered. Back off a little and it will be fine. Don't worry even if it dries to the point of wilting some it wont hurt it. It will encourage stronger and more roots.

The droop you see now is from over watering. Sometimes they droop like that from midday depression and droop right at the end of the day.

Drooping from under water looks different. The leaf stem relaxes and the leaves lay against the stalk and point towards the ground.

Letting it get to that point one time will let you know what it looks like. The bottom leaves will do it first and you know its a sign to water.


Well-Known Member
On a second look, the new growth is pointing up like it is praying. That is a good thing. The slight droop shouldn't be an issue. If you get yellowing occurring with it then it is over water.

I think it is fine. Let her dry some though.