Whats wrong with my Seedlings?? Help Pls!!!


Well-Known Member
I tried coco you can keep that shit. Your coco looks too wet the light
is the wrong spectrum for seedling and veg you want 6500k
the 2700 is for flowering.



Way too much moisture bro. and too high pH. Your plants are rotting. I don't do straight coco. I do a 60/30 mix of perlite to increase aireation. I currently have 20 seeds in 60/30 mix and I have to moisten almost daily, but never soak; not at this stage. Get rid of the dome for sure and raise the light at least 12-14 inches from the plants. You don't want to retain the moisture, you need to get rid of it asap. And do not add vinegar to pH unless you have a test meter. Never make adjustments w/o one. Your very close to losing your babies if not already.
yeah dome is off. I just used straight coco from one of the seed started kits. I have about 15-20% perlite in the containers they will be transplanted too. I have my LEDs on veg mode (blue spectrum) about 38" above the tops right now. will lower it daily and see how they respond. 2 cfls beside and about 2" above the plants to help with heat. Meter should be here in a couple of days. My water seems to be about 6.5 before I add it to the coco. Thier improving (or at least not getting worse), so Im hoping they arent lost :-(

I tried coco you can keep that shit. Your coco looks too wet the light
is the wrong spectrum for seedling and veg you want 6500k
the 2700 is for flowering.

Thanks for input. I know it was the wrong spectrum, was mainly using them for heat untill I felt the plants could handle the LED's. And these are autos which are only gonna veg for about 2 weeks so i was trying to keep from getting 6500k that were only gonna get used for a couple of days before turning on the leds. Guess next time ill just not be so cheap and buy a couple of 6500k for this part. Thanks again.


So ph meter came today. My water was 7.5!! yikes, i hope they recover. I went ahead and transplanted them to thier final pots since that starter coco shit was awful at drainage and drying out, didnt feel like adding root rot to the awful ph issues. I gently removed all the coco from the plants and sprayed them with my ph'd water (5.6) then gently brushed my new coco medium over the roots and misted lightly. The roots were all white so maybe they can pull through. Also got 2 6500k cfls to help with temps in my room.


b.jpgSo im not sure if you can see it all that well, but where the pods are, it has turned brown at the bottom. Should I remove this, I feel that it is keeping my plant from opening up what leaves it has.

Also, does this one look pretty much dead to you?

On a positive note, this one has really opened up since I fixed my ph, and my other hasnt really made any changes but its not browning or anything.