Whats wrong with my seedlings?


Active Member
I have no idea what is going on with these seedlings in my rockwool. I'm growing indoors.

they look very awkward and they haven't rooted into the rockwool. its been 7days so far.

i presoaked my rockwool for 24 hours and shaked out excess before i set the germinated seeds in there.
i've had to add more water by letting it soak up from the bottom because the rockwool was starting to dry out.

can anybody tell what is going on?



Well-Known Member
were the seeds really old? How did u germinate them? Did you see the taproot growing out of the seed before you placed them into the rockwool?


Active Member
these are just bag seed from some chron i got about 2 weeks ago, i have no idea how long ago this bud was harvested or any of that stuff.

i germinated using the papertowel method and yes there was the white thing sticking out of the seed after it had cracked.

thanks for the fast reply. any more questions please ask


Well-Known Member
did you test/adjust the pH of the solution in which you soaked the rockwool? The problem with rockwool over soil is that it is really basic, and it needs an acidic solution to help counteract it.


Active Member
I've always had bad luck whenever trying to use rockwool.. even though I followed all the steps to ensure success.

After I lost about 6 seeds the last time I tried, I germ and put them straight in the soil and never lost 1 seed doing it that way.

Good luck :peace:


Active Member
did you test/adjust the pH of the solution in which you soaked the rockwool? The problem with rockwool over soil is that it is really basic, and it needs an acidic solution to help counteract it.
i adjusted my ph to 6.5 is that bad?

I've always had bad luck whenever trying to use rockwool.. even though I followed all the steps to ensure success.

After I lost about 6 seeds the last time I tried, I germ and put them straight in the soil and never lost 1 seed doing it that way.

Good luck :peace:
yikes, i'm glad this is just some bag seed and nothing spectacular. although i do have WW seeds on the way


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it probably should have been adjusted to 5.8ish. Well, try it again on bag seed until u get it right.


Well-Known Member
Rockwool is 30% oxygen while fully submersed in water. That's why it's the best medium there is for hydro. Float those babies in enough water that those cubes are at least half submersed -ALWAYS. Use a tiny bit of 5-50-5 or something called "rooting nutrient" of your favorite brand. Use a fungicide and a tiny bit of root hormone dusted up top with that fungicide. Some products are a combo of both. Change the water out daily or every other day. Be sure it's PH balanced. standard purified water is close enough, get a gallon and that should hold you through this delicate beginning if you float those in a small dish. I use a Multi-CD top.