whats your opinion of "the grow tent"?


Well-Known Member
i decided to go with a tent even though i could have just mylar'd the closet, kinda like it sectioned off, and i dont have to worry about lightproofing the door, and etc....


Active Member
well i like to shop around before i invest in something like this. but do ya guys know where to acquire one cheaply, and which are superior?


Active Member
my friend got one from there. it seems a bit pricey but it's nice. easier than making one for sure.


Well-Known Member
Check out Homebox seconds from bghydro.com. I got my 5x5x8' Homebox XL for $150 shipped because the inside isn't as super bright white as they should be. You probably couldn't even tell the difference walking into my tent...looks plenty white to me. I'm sure you could find a bigger, cheaper tent on ebay but the value of the Homebox seconds are second to none.

I'd recommend one of those with a 600w or 1000w and you'd be set to grow a substantial amount.