what'sup with this (Seed ordering question)


Active Member
I spent like $320 on seeds a couple of weeks ago (the 28th of feb). I split the order into 2 orders: Random seeds in one order/The Doggies Nuts: Black Widow in the other.

After waiting like 10 days, I recieved the random seed bag but not the Widow. Ok, cool. That was yesterday. I figured that they would be in today. Fast Forward to today: They are still not here.

I've been tracking my package and both of them entered NYC 4 minutes apart from each other, one week ago on the 4th . From there, they split up and are now over 2 days apart from each other.

Is this normal???

What are the odds that I need to be calling Attitude up? I paid the extra buck for the guaranteed shipping. The thing is, is that I'm moving from this location in like 6 days and I really need to get this package before I leave. Think it will be in tomorrow or maybe I have problems? Any solutions?


bud bootlegger
i think your cool.. i've used the attitude about ten times or so now and have always gotten my orders.. i just think that one may have gotten caught up somewhere while the other one did not.. i wouldn't worry yet.. i usually get my order on the 7th day on the dot to the east coast of the us, and in fact, am due one friday.. was hoping it would get here today, but not yet..
and as long as you paid for the quarenteed shipping, you've got nada to worry about... if by some strange reason you don't get it before you more, just go down to the post office and fill out a change of address thingy and all of your mail will be forwarded to your new addy no problems..


Active Member
Still no beans....it's been 2 weeks. If they are not here by Tuesday, I'm going to call Attitude, I think.