when can i smoke??

say youhave a four or five month old plant in veg state when can you smoke the leaves? or can i if dry it? real question...much app. pep.


Well-Known Member
say youhave a four or five month old plant in veg state when can you smoke the leaves? or can i if dry it? real question...much app. pep.

Man you don't want to smoke leaves...yuck. They only feeling of being high you might get is from the tylenol for your headache. Flower it out and smoke some buds :P :bigjoint: My $.02


Well-Known Member

I recommend you get a solid foundation and understanding of cannabis before you proceed any further.


Active Member
ok for one leaves dont get you real high i tryd it taste nasty dont even get a buzz

2nd yould have to flower a plant 12 hours of light 12 hour of night

3 the bud is wat you smoke try reading up on growing marrjuanna first b4 asking question like that alot of grower would not wast there time on giving you such a easy answer

if this is helpful give me rep if not mesg me and i will be glad to help you


Well-Known Member
Apart from giving you a headache, another reason not to smoke the fan leaves is that they are really harsh and taste like shit.

I wouldn't recommend it buddy.

However you say 4-5 months veg :o she must be huge,I would do what others have said and flower it out, you should be looking at pretty decent yield.

Go For It ;)


Well-Known Member
Dude you need to read and educate yourself on marijuana and growing it. To sum up your question.....dont smoke the leaves.


Well-Known Member
stick that girl (hopefully you know if you have one or not, kinda doubt you do since your asking this ?) in 12/12 light cycle, and put it in half FFOF half light warrior and add extra bloom nutes (organic) and you will probably get a great yield of some dank.


Well-Known Member
You can smoke leaves if you want your longs to be filled with tar and have a killer head-ache! I've never smoked leaves but thats what i hear!


Well-Known Member
Why do you guys believe he really has a 4-5 month old vegging plant? Com'on now.... I think he'd be alittle more prepared by then...


Active Member
There is not a DAMN THING wrong with smoking leaves. Though, if you've over-fertilized, the smoke may be harsh.


Well-Known Member
say youhave a four or five month old plant in veg state when can you smoke the leaves? or can i if dry it? real question...much app. pep.

By the looks of it most of the answers you got are from people that have never tried. You can smoke the leaves no problem. Dry them out like you would bud and go for it. It is a very mild buzz. I smoke leaves all the time and can give you a response from someone that has tried. I tried just to see that would happen. Like I said it gives you a very lid buzz. I smoke leaves all the time as I like to use the fan leave to make cigars. I like to take a skewer and wrap bud around it, wrap in fan leaves, dry remove stick and weed cigar. Better than a blunt by far.

Although I do agree with everyone here you're better off to grow bud and forget the leaves. They don't taste great. Although they are not really that harsh, just get weak high. It's a lot of smoke for nothing. If you really want to Don't roll it, just burn in a pipe or bong. Even if everyone tells you not to, just try it for yourself and find out. What's the worst thing? Some coughing and you don't do it again.

But again, just grow the plant and get the good stuff and save the leaves to use instead of blunt papers.