when can i trim a sample?


New Member
at what point during flowering can i snip a popcorn bud and quick dry it to test it out?

im at roughly six weeks now and theyre very sparkly.


Well-Known Member
You can do it whenever you want, just don't forget that in no way will it represent the quality of your final product. THC production really takes off in the last few weeks. I would recommend using the tin foil toaster method if you absolutely MUST fast dry it. Personally, fast dried buds aren't worth it to me. I'd rather let them take 2 days to air dry. More potent and less harsh. Speed dried buds are just awful tasting.


Active Member
Wait. Wait until you have harvested, dried, and cured before you dig into your sweet, sweet weed. Anything you smoke right now will be crappy and inferior. You must wait.

Patience, you must have.

For the love of God, man. WAIT!



Active Member
be patient and quit wasting your weed but if you must, take the lowest branch down and dry it slow you could take a few branches at dif stages and compare the high if your a noob and wana know what you like


Well-Known Member
I like to samples here and there. I wouldn't ever take a sample prior to 8 weeks flower though. about a week ago cut off a popcorn bud on one of my bubba kush plants dried for four days and then smoked, It was tasty and amazing. A sign it's damn sure ready to chop. IMO
Took a sample a week ago and harvested a few today.
View attachment 1920205:bigjoint:


New Member
My buddy and I are both growing. I let my girls go all the way before I touch a single thing. He on the other hand starts pulling and microwaving leaves during veg and all the way through flowering, a real nut job. Anyway he is growing 4 to 5 times the amount of plants I do and I end up with 2-3 times the harvested product. Tell you anything? I feel any unecessary clipping especially during flowering may not hurt the final product, but it most certainly will not help. Wait for it, you'll be glad you did.


Active Member
i dont need to speed dry it, i could let it sit a few days.

i was just wondering, im not really planning on it
Don't even talk about it, man. You've got the idea rolling around in your head right now. Next thing you know, you'll have smoked a whole bunch of green weed and only a pinner of decent smoke left to your name. Oh guy, it'll be a tragedy! Don't walk down this path, there's no going back. Turn around, dude! Turn around!