When do buds mature?

Hi, this is my first successful grow. I have only one plant and the buds have started to form. My question is when will I see noticeable growth in the buds and when will they be ready for harvest. The buds have changed very little since they began developing. I am an outdoor grower so I rely on natural light cycles.



Well-Known Member
Wait as long as possible.. Wait till they look like they are dying then wait two more weeks.. If you get desperate for smoke then cut off bottom buds.. You will thank me later

Hi, this is my first successful grow. I have only one plant and the buds have started to form. My question is when will I see noticeable growth in the buds and when will they be ready for harvest. The buds have changed very little since they began developing. I am an outdoor grower so I rely on natural light cycles.



Weed Modifier
depends on strain indica/sativa or hybrid....anywhere from 8(indica)-16(sativa) weeks of flowering ...they are ready when trichomes are mostly cloudy...once you see an amber trichome you know its time to chop!

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
If your growing in the US my guess would be for Indica dominate strains late, late September to mid October. The more Sativa then later October into November...its is the time for them outdoor plants to begin too flower:leaf: