when do i harvest?

Hello everyone. I'm growing a auto mazar I'm on the 10th week so probably last week of nuts and will flush it next week. Is there any sign that would show that its ready to be chopped or no ? And if there is have I still got time to flush it first or should just chop it before its too late? Put a couple of pics
Thanks and happy growing to you all!



Well-Known Member
Get a 30x magnifying glass and check the trichomes(crystals), when they are all cloudy/amber colored, and no longer clear, you're good to go...You could also pick up a 60-100x hand microscope at Radio Shack for 9 bucks...but the color of the crystals tells you when they're ready, you want all the clear trichome heads to be cloudy and amber, not clear.
right so when that's happening ( change to cloudy and amber) have i got still time to flush or is it too late for it? thanks for quick reply!


Well-Known Member
If you wanna flush, I'd go ahead when you're around 30% clear, 70% cloudy/amber, you usually have a few days when they're at that stage to flush till the rest turn...And Important note, the trichomes on the sugar leaves turn cloudy/amber BEFORE the trichomes on the calyx's(swollen podlike thing the hairs come out of), you wanna check trichomes on the calyx, because they'll tell you when the bud is ripe, not the sugar leaves.


ok from seed i grow from clone that probley why that shocks me cause she still looks like she could use a couple more weeks


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I don't think you have to use a microscope although I do. It's kind of like looking at a video screen, with a microscope you can see each individual pixel but with the naked eye you can still see the picture or in the case of bud, you can still see the general cast of the color of the trychomes. I have to admit that I do enjoy getting into those little "mushrooms" though.