When do i re-pot my plants


Active Member
Acutally mate, if you're careful, you could transplant right away, and if you're lucky, even dodge the stress phase most plants go through for repotting.
I did mine right after it grew to about the same size, and it's groing quite nicely too.


Well-Known Member
Yea thanks m8, im just off to work in bout half hour so i'll do it first thing in the morning, you sure it wont hurt them???


Active Member
If you're carefull about it, and you take enough time to do so, she should be just fine.

But don't forget that if you wait too long, your roots will get entangled (aka root bound), and that can kill your plant.

If you replant it, it'll maybe get a little stressed because of the new enviroment, but otherwise, it aught to be fine.

The Kush Guy

Active Member
I'd transplant soon, that is a tiny pot, I've grown two foot plants in 16OZ beer cups before so root bound is a ways off but that plant will need watering every couple hours if it grows much bigger.

Wait till the soil is a little dry, it helps move plants from pot to pot without the soil breaking up, especially in that small of a pot.

Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Ok cheers m8 i'll defo do it tomorrow morning, they are due watering tomorrow so it should be alittle easier you say, the 6" pots should be fine then? How bout the nute's shall i wait till they are alot bigger? Sorry bout all the q's it's just my first grow, im just wanting to succeed!!
Thanks guy's


Active Member
For nutes, wait at least 3 weeks of growth before you start giving it any. Otherwise, it's like giving an energy drink to a toddler.

The Kush Guy

Active Member
I respectfully disagree, it depends on the strain, conditions etc. You have to try it to know, this little lady is been in the dirt for 3 days and got nutes day 1. Sorry for the somewhat blurry pic.

I did a test with a number of seedlings a while back and tried water VS mild nutes and to signicant growth increases with nutes over water and no side effects at all. I would suggest doing your own test worth it long term IMHO.


For nutes, wait at least 3 weeks of growth before you start giving it any. Otherwise, it's like giving an energy drink to a toddler.



Well-Known Member
Id wait longer. The stronger and more mature the plant is, the better it will handle the re-pot. I've let some plants grow over 2' in 4" pots. When I re-potted, the plants showed growth the next day! Good Luck...


Well-Known Member
Id wait longer. The stronger and more mature the plant is, the better it will handle the re-pot. I've let some plants grow over 2' in 4" pots. When I re-potted, the plants showed growth the next day! Good Luck...
I agree with this guy. What most people on seem to consider "rootbound" is actually a healthy root mass that will make good use of the soil area. The whole point of incremental pot-ups is to fill out the current pot with roots BEFORE you transplant.

As for "transplant shock", i've never experienced it, but i'm fairly sure that you stand more chance of damaging roots if they come out as a stringy mess, with soil falling away from the rootball, rather than as one mass that can hold itself together.

It takes a VERY long time for a plant to become truly rootbound.


Well-Known Member
Im now confused!! Lol who is right and who is wrong???????
Lets have a vote! Lol
i was just about to do it then and now im not sure, i do thank you all for your advice but im no better off than when i asked the question. Please don't think im being ungreatful


Active Member
I vote you doN't nute it yet. If you do, you ARE taking a chance that you might accidently burn it before it can handle the fertilizer.
But if you absolutely want to, just make sure you go with VERY dimished strength. Like.... 1/6th or even an 1/8 of how much the recommended does is. That way, it still gets fed, and you make sure it doesn't die right away.


Well-Known Member
i was actuly talking about repotting i think m8, im not using nute's yet as i cant find any reveiws on the stuff i was given so i will wait so i know it won't kill them, the last thing i want is for that to happen!!