when do outdoor plants start flowering in california?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I have 1 female plant in a 5gallon bucket. She is a punky lion. I was just curious on what month or week do plants start to flower outdoors in northen california?


Well-Known Member
All mine are now showing flowers to varying degrees. The 1st of August is a good average. Most plants are ready to harvest in the first two weeks of October, plus or minus a week or so.
Yep, August 1st is the date for me too. Sometimes a lil early, sometimes a bit late, but always right around there :hump:

Good Luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
Very clean indeed sir!
What may I ask are your inner hoops and outter hoop made of? Looks great!
Not sure what you want to know. Main greenhouse is 2x4 construction with 1/2 or 3/4 pvc electric conduit can't remember witch. Inside I run two raised beds 5x20 built with 2x12 for 2 foot deep beds. And four sets of 4 ft uprights with 1/2 in electric conduit attached to uprights for hoops. I'll see if I can find a photo


Well-Known Member
It also depends on the strain. Some Sativas flower a little later. Most Indicas are about ready to or have started by now. I had one set of Satvas from the same seed years ago that had a early bloomer in it that was about 3 weeks ahead of the rest. You just have to watch and wait, they'll bloom eventually, I guarantee it!


Well-Known Member
I have 3 plants. One's budding, another in veg and the other has been flowering for a week.