When do you harvest high CBD strains for maximum CBD?


Well-Known Member

I tried searching this in google but im so confused. Im at day 73 with Hurkle strain (1:1 TGA strain). Buds are still getting bigger but I don't know if I should harvest early or wait more. Some people say you should harvest early for more cbd present on the plant, others say you should harvest later. I want to reduce THC levels and raise CBD levels. Does someone know?


Well-Known Member
I have no idea. LOL. Why would it be any different than normal grows? TGA says it's 10% CBD without saying it was harvested earlier or later.


Well-Known Member
Seed plants have to be tested to KNOW how much cbd is present. CBD from seeds can be a crapshoot.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
But last time I saw they were about 70% cloudy -- 25% transparent -- 5% amber or something like that

thats really what i wanted. no need to take pics unless you want too. might be a good reference for future CBD dominant strain growers however.

good luck with harvest


Well-Known Member
Unless the precise plant is tested you don't know if it has cbd. I've seen plenty of tests come back with no cbd, or undetectable levels.

Subcool has some nice genetics, but we haven't come far enough to make a blanket claim that all progeny from a cbd project will contain cbd. That leafly description carefully dances around the cbd claim as well.


Well-Known Member
I will test all my plants with the beam test. I won't know how much cbd is present, but depending on how dark the color is, I will know if CBD is there or not. (the darker the more cbd)

I also crossed Hurkle with Dinamed (0% THC, 10% CBD). Im curious what will come out of that. Probably all type of plants (high thc, high cbd etc)