When I'm high I rub icy hot on my legs. Is this weird?


Well-Known Member
Whenever I'm high (now lol) I find the feeling of icy hot on my lefgs to be the greatest feeling like honestly. It feels so good because it burns and feels cold at the same time; why do es this make me feel so good?

i highly recomend it lol.


Well-Known Member
i like my wife to massage my buttcheeks when im high, and only when i high

so no, its not weird at all:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Its better than rubbing shit in your eyes .. But if it floats your boat then do it ...

Note to self : keep an eye on kannabitch..

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Just don't get it on your box, man.EDit...oh , and I like the feel of lipstick on my mouth when I'm high. I reapply and reapply.