When is it time!!


Well-Known Member
hey guys i lost track of how many weeks my plants been in flowering. does anyone know how u can tell when to pick it? what do i have to look out for? its about 50% orange hairs other half white hairs...


Well-Known Member
Optimum time is usually about 80%+ red/orange hairs (pistils). However, this is not the most reliable method.

A better method is to use a pocket microscope or jeweller's loupe (the eyepiece they use to inspect gems) to check the trichomes. You will need something with at least 10x magnification, preferably more.

Check the Growfaq for more details, specifically this page and this page.

Edit: You can also DIY a ghetto style trich scope, using a mobile phone camera, and a lens from a CD player. See here for details.