When it comes to trimming?


Active Member
A friend told me that if you trim the leaves, going from one side to the other (e.g. trim the bottom right hand leaf, then in a few days trim the next up from that on the left side and so on and so fourth) as you go up the plant it helps produce more/bigger buds?:joint:


Well-Known Member
wow that sounds like fun. SO the idea is to stress the plants all the way around over several days and this does what?? Use your intuition and don't be so clever. VV


Well-Known Member
A friend told me that if you trim the leaves, going from one side to the other (e.g. trim the bottom right hand leaf, then in a few days trim the next up from that on the left side and so on and so fourth) as you go up the plant it helps produce more/bigger buds?:joint:

you have silly friends. :mrgreen:


Active Member
wow that sounds like fun. SO the idea is to stress the plants all the way around over several days and this does what?? Use your intuition and don't be so clever. VV
The mocking tone in your response to my question makes me wonder. Is this not a site to learn and grow? If you don't have a reasonable response "Shut the fuck up!":cuss:


Well-Known Member
The reason people are getting on you is because in the newbie section, I believe the sticky says to look in the GROWFAQ, or do a search before asking a question.
Yes this place is to learn, and there are a lot of really helpful people here. They weren't trying to be assholes, but you asked a question that the answer to is very easily found. These people for the most part are very friendly, but you gotta be nice, and take some incentive to look for the answer before asking.
Now I will "shut the fuck up".:peace: