When it's going to flower?

Hey, this is my first grow so far and I have few questions I would like you guys to answer. The first question is when this plant is actually going to flower? It supposed to be automatic bubblegum strain which I've ordered from a website, the plant at the moment is about 30cm height. And the second one, there are some weak leaves at the bottom of the plant. I would like you to tell me if I should worry about them, maybe fix it somehow?


Well-Known Member
If it's an auto, it will flower when it is ready.
Pics 2 and 3, I think there may be some hairs starting to show (start of preflowers).
Can you give it more light?
Leave the bottom leaves that you mentioned....... When the plant is done with them, they will fall off.
No suggestions when it's actually going to happen? I'm growing it for about a month and I'm quite disappointed in the developement of the plant. Is it normal for an automatic plant to grow that slow?

About the lights, I'm using 2 100W CFL bulbs which are pretty weak I guess.
hey how goes it.this is my first solo grow as well but with the research ive been doing it seems every source says the same thing.they will start to flower once you decide to switch them to a 12/12.technically and someone may correct me if im wrong,without the 12/12 to simulate the later days of the year they will stay in veg as long as u keep them on a long light cycle.Currently im on day 24 of my veg cycle 4 strains jilly bean,jack herer,and jack the ripper then i have a mystery plant thats about 3 feet tall running one 600w hps through the whole cycle 18/4 until about day 30-40.they will triple in size so keep that in mind when flowering. good luck! p.s. u might wanna pick up marijuana horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible by jorge cervantes, great book with a lotta knowledge some is a little out-dated but for a strong base of what you are doing it is a great building block .Now go forth and grow high-grade.lmao


Well-Known Member
If it's an auto, it will flower when it is ready.
Pics 2 and 3, I think there may be some hairs starting to show (start of preflowers).
Can you give it more light?
Leave the bottom leaves that you mentioned....... When the plant is done with them, they will fall off.
Yep there is your answer and I also thought I might have seen some flowers but it is hard to tell from your pics, get a little closer to the tops with the lens. and no 12/12 has nothing to do with it if is an auto. Besides not all autos finish in two months.
There are some white hairs on the top of the plant, but it looks like there are next leaves growing out of it. All I want is just a quick suggestion on what stage of growing is my plant, and approximately how is it going to take to finish.